Example sentences of "[adv] that it [vb -s] to be " in BNC.

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1 Certainly there appears to be some sense in restricting any changes in the law of incest so that it continues to be an offence for a parent or grandparent to have sexual relations with a child aged 16 or 17 , because children of that age are often dependent and living at home , and so the conditions for exploitation are still present at that age .
2 Institutional care is one part of a complex range of provision ; while it is right to reduce reliance upon it because of its toxic effects ( which are determined by the quality of care provided and not size alone : Huxley , 1991b ) it must be wrong to remove it altogether or reduce its scale or critical mass so that it ceases to be able to perform those functions which other services can not .
3 Two years later Mr X releases all rights in connection with the property so that it ceases to be property subject to reservation and the relevant period begins to run .
4 At the apex of the jaw the ventralmost tooth may be superficial , separating , the infradental papillae so that it appears to be an apical papilla ; in other specimens the infradental papillae lie closer together ; they are followed on each side by two block-like oral papillae .
5 This is not to say that the product is inferior , indeed many desktop publishing systems can do things that no typesetting equipment ever could , merely that it has to be recognised that the technology has its place .
6 The presumption must be , after all , that the assembly knows what it is doing , not that it needs to be protected against itself .
7 He recognised that some understanding is given directly by God , but also that it has to be appropriated by human beings using their reason .
8 ‘ Staff are told it has to be user-led and then that it has to be rationed and controlled ’ .
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