Example sentences of "[adv] at [noun] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Instead , she was utterly at leisure to give unstintingly to friends and foes , colleagues and passing tramps .
2 His mother — God rest her — had got more of a spark out of him when they went to nearby Ballymahon and Oliver Goldsmith 's birthplace , but that was only because he had already at school learned off by heart the whole of ‘ The Deserted Village ’ .
3 The theory that the development charge would leave the developer unwilling or unable to pay more than the existing use value for his land is not at present working out in practice , especially since a would-be house owner who pays building value to the seller of the land .
4 Boys still at School responded readily to the call to assist in gathering the crops during the summer holiday " harvest camps " held mainly in the Chelford and Congleton areas .
5 Er had they by the time you were still at school come on to that new erm er system where you speak a lot more ?
6 There was nothing in the least bit objectionable about him , but he looked as though he had a computer where his heart was , and rushed home at night to plug in to a socket and recharge the batteries .
7 Of the other leading contenders for honours , Instonians have boosted their squad with the return of Davy Wilson from the French League , where he figured for Amiens , while Irish U-18 Andrew McBride is back at Annadale slotting in for Vincent Devenney ( working in the US ) .
8 Of the other leading contenders for honours , Instonians have boosted their squad with the return of Davy Wilson from the French League , where he figured for Amiens , while Irish U-18 Andrew McBride is back at Annadale slotting in for Vincent Devenney ( working in the US ) .
9 They looked at Goldman , then at Elliott getting out of the car .
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