Example sentences of "[adv] i [verb] [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Right I 've got to go into Superdrug , I 've got to get some more hairspray
2 You do n't have to come too early only I 've got to go at quarter to seven .
3 there was n't really There was n't really a great deal of er sort of stuff here but it was more about sort of language and shifts so I had to like shift through it and find the bits
4 So I had to try to prove to them that I could manage him .
5 well this chap says there 's er , oh he says how much is , he said oh he says , nine by one pound , pound a foot , I said good grief pound a foot , so I mean start talking about six by threes
6 So I have decided to move to London and open a showroom .
7 so I have to say go on father bugger off
8 but er , so now I 've got a thirty six , thirty five , thirty four , thirty four , thirty four , thirty two and thirty , so that 's a B count in B file , so there 's no hassle with that , but if I can get on and get rid of the er , I 've got twenty eight , twenty nine in there as well , er twenty eight in there as well , so I want to get rid of the twenty eight and twenty nine but it is a guarantee that a B file , so there 's
9 I did n't know how long I 'd wasted looking for the compass or how long I 'd knelt in capitulation .
10 like I 've just said , I 've just been speaking for a whole lesson , my voice is just I 've got to talk to you to explain what we 're doing , so let's quietly
11 Erm but then weighing things up I 've got to reflect on that one .
12 Originally I 'd hoped to apply for Scale 2 posts … but there are very few jobs , now .
13 but really I 've got to talk to somebody , I 've got to talk to somebody for their
14 But really I want to try to slip past them .
15 If you had a talent , you were recognised , and often I got invited to play for the local Boy Scout group .
16 Now I had to start thinking in world terms , for those Championships were coming in 1987 .
17 Er , I 've been robbed and swindled , er I was burgled two months ago , my house was wrecked all my jewellery every thing taken simply because I had left my windows open slightly , now I 've got to sleep at night with all my windows closed and I do n't get a good nights sleep apart from feeling insecure any way and er the swindle er I trusted people and now I ca n't trust any body and that leaves you feeling very insecure .
18 and now I 've got to go over the Sierra I , I 've got a Sierra coming here .
19 I 've seen my patients and now I 've got to drive like hell to get down to Tweed Heads before Jill and Martin conclude that I 'm not coming . ’
20 Now I 've got to leave at three thirty .
21 Because I used to earn a bit of money and be independent , and now I 've got to rely on every penny from my husband .
22 I 've shut the door now I 've finished running about
23 Now I do have input into what I think will sell in Europe and in Asia and my background in private and investment banking has contributed to our expansion in these directions ; I come into contact with different people from those who might normally come into Colnaghi 's , giving rise to possible purchasing opportunities .
24 You feel as though you 're a Xerox machine : ‘ Today I 've got to sound like such-and-such , next week I 've got to sound like so-and-so … ’
25 Well I 've got to go to the building society and I 've got to go
26 well I 've got to go to town only I du n no whether she 's gone , ca n't be gone yet , twenty past
27 Well I 've got to go in the kitchen
28 Well I 've got to get through right so you do the papers then and I can , only we do wan na go to square one and er we both need that sort of thing
29 Well I 've got to get to King 's Lynn on Saturday
30 Cos I do n't think , well I 've got to speak for B E S.
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