Example sentences of "[adv] to the [noun sg] [noun pl] on " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I wonder how long it took for my message to get through to the patrol cars on the road , ’ Patrick said .
2 Everyone began to listen carefully to the news bulletins on the wireless and to buy newspapers as soon as they were printed , yet people found it hard to believe that war could really happen .
3 Our subscription rates are being held until the end of March , so for just £30 you 'll get : • a monthly mailing of regular publications which will brief you on all these issues and more • up to the minute briefings on government announcements • free copies of many of our one-off publications , such as our Short Guide to Poll Tax .
4 Poor Martha Lamb was having her fourth baby and was probably hustled up to the attic rooms on the floor above out of earshot ; the child , a boy , was born during the night .
5 He was never keen on dissecting them but turned his attention instead to the banding patterns on their shells .
6 The team from Cheriton will now go forward to the county finals on April 5th .
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