Example sentences of "[adv] to [noun] [noun] with the " in BNC.

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1 The train drew in to Penn Station with the arguments still raging round Uncle Mick 's grizzled head , but that head was still unbowed and at one time Denis was sure he saw a wink in the wicked old eye as he took on about three arguments at once and lost all of them .
2 I see oh er fireworks winner Mrs from Eastwood heard the firework noise just then so she 's off to Alton Towers with the family to see the fireworks stop calling for that now .
3 He is off to New Zealand with the International XV next month and will keep up the traditions set by Van Vollenhoven , Englebrecht , Muller , Nomis , Mordt and Du Plessis — to name but a few of the recent greats .
4 She 's just like a week ago she was she did the manager 's job and , she drops she brings Joshua down here for about quarter to nine , then she goes back up to Stop Hill with the girls
5 " Take the lot up to Mrs Fox-Collier with the cook 's compliments — wait , " she said , as Nicandra turned to leave , " there could be a scone ready for yourself . "
6 Maunsell N15 4–6–0 No 777 Sir Lamiel pounds up to Harbury tunnel with the up Shakespeare Limited for Marylebone in July 1986 .
7 The other most common fault at this stage is for the knitter to put all the needles for the second side into UWP , instead of taking them back to B position with the transfer tool .
8 K1 2005 stands at Mallaig ready to run back to Fort William with the return Lochaber train in very wet conditions .
9 The pilot of G-AYIH turned on to base leg with the apparent intention of joining this stream at or about the number four to land position .
10 As they rode , Artemis pushing Buttons on to keep pace with the free-striding chestnut , her father never spoke .
11 He had been across to New York with The Lady 's Not For Burning , just before the Stratford season .
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