Example sentences of "[adv] a [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet however we may judge deviation , whether negatively or positively , being a social outsider is very much a case of non-conformity to the norms and regularities of discourse structure .
2 Though Masonry was always to be an element in the liberal forces — particularly in later non-socialist brands of Republicanism — it was never again , as it was from 1815 to 1820 , its chief framework ; even then it was not so much a system of belief as the only clandestine organization available for conspiracy .
3 Presents from returning travellers or presents for your hostess are as much a sign of manners to the hareem as they are to us .
4 The phrase ‘ innocent women and children ’ is not so much a slur on men as a way of infantilising women — classing them , with children , as helpless and passive victims incapable of political agency or moral judgement .
5 ‘ An Essay on Woman ’ , though very much a poem of protest against the injustices which women suffer , offers no simple solutions .
6 John Clare testifies to the wholesale obliteration of landmarks , and the subsequent consciousness of alienation ; The Female Vagrant is not so much a poem by Wordsworth as a case-history .
7 Yet the sensitivities of both for the sufferings of men , women , and children drawn unwillingly into the war reflect something of the way in which thinking men asked themselves whether war was , in fact , not so much a way to peace as the prolongation of bitter conflict .
8 And what was tending to happen here , as the Scottish Typographical Circular regularly reported , was not so much a division of labour between women on straight setting and men on other processes , but rather the diversion of certain kinds of typesetting from the linesmen ( male piece-workers ) to the women , who were not only paid much less but who were also considered by some employers to be actually better at it .
9 Tough Latin America is more urbanised than most other parts of the Third world , the process of urbanisation is very much a feature of LDCs in general .
10 When the economic crisis became severe , community mobilization became not so much a question of participation in decision-making as practical support to keep schools and education projects going .
11 On the track , Morris still feels very much a sense of identity with blacks : he presents a funereal image in all-black , a cowl covering his head .
12 If it is any consolation , the whole question of arrangement seems just as much a problem for people with enviably rare and valuable collections as it is for those with hardly enough to call a collection of anything .
13 It is not so much a network of gift-giving as a network of indebtedness .
14 However , as the belief in metaphysical realism declined in the nineteenth century in favour of more nominalist , relativist or generally hesitant views of knowledge , the concept of a liberal education seemed to lose its firm epistemological foundation and become not so much a theory of knowledge as a theory of ignorance .
15 Counselling-learning is not so much a collection of ideas as a full and personal commitment on the part of the teacher .
16 It 's not so much a reconstruction of image as proof that Shocked 's confidence is growing .
17 Personally , I am not in favour of mammoth jail sentences except for the deserving few — and that 's not so much a matter of punishment as a means of keeping society free from their future depredations .
18 Antoine Bloye is as much a settling of accounts with Nizan 's own pre-communist personality shaped by the destiny of his own father who died in 1929 , as it is a settling of accounts with a closed historical period .
19 9 ) " Planning ahead is as much a waste of time for my business as it is for me .
20 This is as much a consequence of data on households being more easily available as necessarily a reflection of real differences between household and non-household kin .
21 I should explain to the Secretary of State that what has been involved is not so much a loss of dignity as a destruction of credibility .
22 Liam Brady 's choice of more or less the side who lost to Falkirk in the Scottish Cup the previous weekend — Rudi Vata was replaced by Brian O'Neil — was not so much a vote of confidence as a challenge to those players to prove they could not be so bad again .
23 The product range includes equipment for medical uses : eg a vehicle for children with spina bifida and portable kidney machines .
24 In what was apparently a reference to conservatives within the FLN , he had been highly critical of Algeria 's " political class " in an interview in El País of Dec. 29 .
25 The remains of the Argentine dictator ( 1829-52 ) and nationalist figurehead , Juan Manuel de Rosas , who died in exile in the UK in 1877 , were returned to Argentina on Oct. 1 , 1989 , in what was apparently a gesture of goodwill in the context of talks over the Falkland Islands .
26 If executive-assembly relations are seen as basically a struggle for influence over the policy-making process , what are the weapons available to each side in the struggle ?
27 Windows for Pens is basically a set of extensions to Windows 3.1 which does two things .
28 Well do you see this vote against opting out as a basically a vote in favour of the tertiary college plans for Banbury ?
29 The peasants were abandoned , and even the urban poor ( long a bastion of support for the regime ) lost their early enthusiasm .
30 The danger for the Government is that it may all come just a bit too late to expunge the memories of our current travails and of too long a period of neglect for the supply-side of the economy to respond .
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