Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb past] [conj] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Bye , dreema , ’ she said suddenly and turned and fled into the house .
2 Opponents lucky enough to escape Malawi to live in exile have sometimes been hunted down and assassinated or abducted by Malawian agents in Zambia or Zimbabwe .
3 Finally he broke away and went and squatted on his haunches by the stream .
4 It is a creative process , not a past process and something which is just stored away and lost and kept for the future .
5 Modigliani , of course , spotted her at once and came and sat at the next table .
6 And suddenly , astonishingly , astonished , she began to weep , great sobs bursting out of her , tears leaping from her eyes , a kind of howling noise in her nose and throat , and Charles got up and came and sat by her and took her in his arms as she howled like a six-year-old .
7 Rogers and Lambert , Killion , Finlayson and Richards lay back and guffawed and waited for Woolley to do something abut it .
8 He released her abruptly and turned and walked into the kitchen .
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