Example sentences of "[adv] for [adj] [noun] [coord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Women 's work in sweated trades ( defined with some difficulty by a Select Committee on the subject in 1890 as work carried on for inadequate wages and for excessive hours in insanitary conditions ) , was also opposed because of the threat it posed to motherhood and the rearing of an imperial race .
2 But Bakker in reply says cartilage is in fact better for absorbing shocks and for building up hydrostatic pressure .
3 It is important for the Opposition to bear it in mind that their opposition to the roads programme is a recipe not only for increased congestion but for increased fatalities and casualties on our roads .
4 He would try to arrange a site meeting with the police to see what could be done to improve safety not only for other motorists but for pedestrians .
5 For Mrs Thatcher , at loggerheads with many of her own party over European issues , this summit was crucial , as it set the tone for debates leading up to 1992 — not only for European unification but for the next British election in which Europe will be a deciding factor .
6 One such case of this node would be a readerly conception of a cynical author , perhaps , one who writes only for financial return or with disinterest or contempt for his or her readers .
7 Although the atmosphere , mmHg and torr are all used in scientific work , they should strictly be used only for rough comparisons or as ratios .
8 Resource allocation in the near future requires accurate information not only for each school but within a school for each year .
9 In Denmark , Sweden and Norway the trade unions work together in similarly long-established federations called the National Organisations ( Landsorganisationen , or LO ) which exist not only for manual employees but with separate confederations for white-collar and professional workers .
10 They want the Government to be in the heart of Europe , negotiating positively and effectively not only for British interests but for a better Europe .
11 ‘ I 'm wearing outfits not only for active sports but for all kinds of leisure activities , ’ Dana said , heedless of Claudia 's strained silence .
12 many times , not only for this group but for another one .
13 Capital letters : Use these only for proper names and for a few dignitaries such as Her Majesty the Queen , Prime Minister , Archbishop and Field Marshal .
14 Get a number of different quotations , not only for different venues but for different types of meal .
15 Simmer gently for 15–20 mins or until tender , stirring occasionally .
16 But he warned : ‘ There are now too many examples of nations whose entire economic , political and judicial structures are being subverted , not necessarily for political motives but for nakedly financial ones .
17 Seven days treatment with a cumulative dose of dexamethasone equivalent to 0.75 g prednisolone has been followed by osteonecrosis with the appearance of symptoms two years later , whereas most patients receiving steroids , do so for long periods and in higher doses without developing articular symptoms .
18 But although the schizoid suicide and the anorexic both deny the reality of death , it seems to me that they do so for different reasons and in different ways .
19 Acting on that basis , the kind of socialism that he advocated was then , was guild socialism , or more popularly nowadays , workers ' control , and what he would have hoped to see was something which , most mysteriously , does n't yet even now seem to be coming to the fore , the use of industrial power by the workers not merely for economic advantage but for political ends .
20 Thus for many years and in many lands this great bandmaster was known as John Philip Sousa .
21 One of these , due to Wilson ( 1975 : 151 ) , will have to suffice here , and holds not just for truth-conditional semantics but for virtually any semantic theory independent of pragmatics .
22 As for quality , it 's just for simple cases and in truly complex insolvencies or where we wanted someone to trade the company through , the need to get the person or firm with the right expertise would tend to override any cost concerns . ’
23 These courses are a very important initiative not just for this diocese but for the whole country at a time when we need to find new ways of helping lay people and priests to work together in furthering the mission of the church .
24 He described it as a ‘ Budget for sustained recovery and a Budget for jobs — not just for this year or for next year — but right through the decade . ’
25 We believe that it represents the best way forward , not just for this country but for Europe .
26 Curiously , one of the first applications of the JPEG standard has been not for still images but for motion video .
27 It came about not for economic reasons but as a consequence of complex political processes .
28 It was a fear expressed across the religious spectrum of antislavery and a major source of the conviction , particularly of Unitarians , that the slave trade was a subject not for sectarian difference but for the united opposition ‘ of the various denominations of Christians ’ .
29 Charles Keeping 's illustrations are clearly not for young children but for older children who are , among other things , coming to terms with violence and cruelty in our age .
30 In 1988 the university purportedly terminated the applicant 's contract of employment not for good cause but on the ground of redundancy , giving him three months ' written notice .
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