Example sentences of "[adv] it is [adv] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Obviously it is more convenient to practitioners if service is effected through the court .
2 Blood sugar levels and nutritional requirements do fluctuate , and so it is particularly important to be aware of what is occurring and to be educated to the point where you know how to treat your body at any given time of the month .
3 Neither optical nor radio signals have been detected from the companion , and so it is also likely to be a compact star .
4 Thing about this programme it is so it is so crucial to everything that goes on at Radio York while it is happening , they eat in the other room that 's how much er interest there is they eat in the other room .
5 1 ( 1 ) This section applies in any case where — ( a ) a tenancy includes a covenant on the part of the tenant not to enter into one or more of the following transactions , that is — ( i ) assigning , ( ii ) underletting , ( iii ) charging , or ( iv ) parting with the possession of , the premises comprised in the tenancy or any part of the premises without the consent of the landlord or some other person , but ( b ) the covenant is subject to the qualification that the consent is not to be unreasonably withheld ( whether or not it is also subject to any other qualification ) .
6 Only if you understand what the clause is supposed to do , can you assess whether or not it is terribly important to your side and negotiate accordingly .
7 What 's more it is as kind to the environment as it is to your skin , thanks to our ozone-friendly dispenser .
8 To diagnose and intervene appropriately it is often necessary to be able to evaluate the complete gastrointestinal tract .
9 Here it is most true to itself .
10 The convention you follow may be a matter of personal choice but nowadays it is more likely to he a matter of company house-style .
11 Although the Yerkes-Dodson law provides an additional prediction which can be tested , it suffers firstly from the problem that it is often impossible to define task difficulty a priori and secondly that even when this is done successfully it is very hard to be sure that task difficulty does not itself affect arousal .
12 Correspondingly the material should be structured in terms of how it is most likely to be used .
13 That , I confess , is a spectacle which makes our boldest tempters uneasy but fortunately it is quite invisible to these humans .
14 If we are not to infer from Anderson 's breach of Grice 's Co-operative Principle that he is deliberately being rude ( unlikely , when McKendrick is a complete stranger to him ) then it is most likely to be seen as evidence of his vagueness or , less favourably , his self-centredness .
15 By then it is too late to be of any good to anyone , and particularly dad .
16 If a lavatory seat is to be responsible then it is more likely to be the male who suffers .
17 Yet it is plainly obvious to anyone who works in central London , or has tried to get admission to hospital there , that this is untrue .
18 Yet it is frequently open to pragmatic self-refutation : it argues against reason by the processes of reason , and a political cause , however radical , can not be advanced without the traditional processes of argument and attending to evidence .
19 Yet it is sometimes easy to be dazzled by the well-intentioned enthusiasm of a Vicki Hearne , or by false philosophy , into misunderstanding or down-playing the differences , and because it comes naturally to us to say that both we and the dog are angry , or frightened , we conclude that what goes for the human must go for the animal , making certain allowances for sensuous and anatomical variations .
20 Yet it is perfectly obvious to anyone who mixes in the real world that they are wicked people who have exercised a choice in favour of the nasty option .
21 The point behind many of these affirmations is to keep reminding oneself of the obvious fact that in a situation where it is clearly impossible to be perfect , to be less than perfect is the best one can be .
22 This is why it is so important to be consistent in your approach right from the outset .
23 As her eyes widened he added , ‘ Perhaps now you can understand the reason why I bought it and why it is so important to me that it should succeed ? ’
24 First , such a change does not take place overnight among all artists ; and secondly it is very hard to be certain that a given statue from the Acropolis was actually set up before the invasion .
25 With procedures that are only used occasionally it is less likely to be successful and the trained group may even forget their training .
26 It is the only genre that was born and nourished in a new era of world history and therefore it is deeply akin to that era , whereas the other major genres entered that era as already fixed forms , as an inheritance , and only now are they adapting themselves — some better , some worse — to the new conditions of their existence .
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