Example sentences of "[adv] and [prep] [pron] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And journey he did ; from The Bar Boy would be taken home and driven at night down all those same streets down and round which he had once walked by daylight .
2 In order to appreciate something which is above and beyond ourselves we have to rid ourselves for a time of our sophistication and , in the words of Jesus Christ , become as little children again .
3 In the US , thanks to an agreement that major distributors would give eight films annually a full circuit release , pictures such as The 49th Parallel , Target for Tonight and In Which We Serve had done remarkable business .
4 And perhaps through the drinking he sought to meet his father of whom he spoke so little and to whom it seemed , the older he grew , he meant so little .
5 ‘ Britain will suffer economically , will be isolated from Europe , and the rest of Europe will go ahead in some shape or form , taking decisions which affect us intimately and over which we have no control .
6 And she 's she 's up there somewhere and underneath it it says ,
7 He sought my advice on one or two matters where complaints were made against him of alleged libels , which I had no real difficulty in seeing off and about which he wrote me appreciative letters .
8 The paternalism of so many large continental undertakings owed something to this long association of workers with the firm with which they , as it were , grew up and on which they depended .
9 for my biscuit today and for myself I had a dinosaur , Miss gave me a whole dinosaur and I had the head arms , erm , the head of the big one
10 ‘ But there is one thing that does very much interest me , as it happens … and that 's your answer to my question … the one I asked five minutes ago and to which you have so far avoided giving an answer … ’
11 In about A.D. 300 the Emperor Diocletian built a palace here and to it he retired in about 305 .
12 You may choose how and with whom you spend your day .
13 Think about where and with whom you feel most positive and try to create more of that in your life .
14 ‘ I believe he was murdered , but how and why and by whom I do not know !
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