Example sentences of "[adv] of [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The study involved the writing down of English glosses for the signs , and the fact that deaf people had poorer recall overall may result from this cross-modal task .
2 Further , prolonged rain storms on Earth have been observed to occur in line with certain alignments of the moon , and perhaps of other objects in the solar system .
3 We waited anxiously as reports came in of 97-mph gales in the Pennines but thankfully the spire remained firm .
4 The parasitic phase is composed entirely of female worms in the small intestine and these produce larvated eggs by parthenogenesis , ie. development from an unfertilised egg .
5 Qaryal al-Fau consists almost entirely of superb photographs of the site and objects found , with a brief commentary in English and Arabic , meant to serve as an introduction for the 10 specialist volumes to follow .
6 A human body is a truly colossal population of cells , all descended from one ancestor , the fertilized egg ; and all therefore cousins , children , grandchildren , uncles , etc. of other cells in the body .
7 Directors have a duty to take into account the interests of the employees of the company but not of other companies in the same group ( s309 Companies Act 1985 ) .
8 This , she said , left her unable to support the actions of the Social Work Department , and extremely concerned that they had acted too hastily in a situation that was not of life-threatening proportions to the children involved .
9 You see I would like to see people at the end of this programme to have some idea , not just of fancy figures in the air , but of practical effects that will affect them on the ground .
10 And where the tins of fish are juxtaposed with fragments of Mariana 's body the evocation is also of death and putrefaction , perhaps also of coarse jokes about the distinctive ‘ fishy ’ smell of vaginal secretions .
11 It is an issue both of absolute shortages of the wood .. and the distributions of available wood supplies between different uses and users … its causes are seen to be closely linked to the distribution of economic and political power between classes and social groups which determines who gets how much of a scarce resource .
12 Much discussion of the issue in the press masquerades as a ) , but is in reality made up of various combinations of the other three .
13 You get a build up of black heads around the nose , and around the chin .
14 The Committee of 100 Against the Poll Tax in Scotland was supported with a call for the setting up of similar groups across the country .
15 As one of the composer 's biographers has observed , ‘ the German victory over France in 1870–71 was the grand occasion for the digging up of great heros of the French past .
16 However the real benefit of the upgrade for walkers is increased waymarking and the opening up of new stretches of the 100 mile route which has a fascinating history .
17 The Act also provides for the setting up of new procedures for the identification of children with special educational needs and for the establishment of a new definition for the term .
18 The birds , in particular albatrosses , are attracted to the baited hooks which are used for long-line fishing , and become caught in the nets and killed ; , Further restrictions are to be imposed on the establishment up of new fisheries in the area .
19 In general this piling up of biblical texts in the exposition of elementary notions and principles , with the biblical quotations buttressing each other up and introducing ideas foreign to the main theme , creates confusion in the minds of simple average souls who are the majority among good Christians ( Capovilla , 1978a , p. 546 ) .
20 The Association will carefully monitor the take up of Vocational Qualifications by the industry and the country-wide acceptance of NVQs as nationally recognised qualifications : in the meantime it is apparent that there is a well defined need for flexible and modular provision of learning support and underpinning knowledge for those who are working towards competences , which can be assessed for award of Vocational Qualifications .
21 The essential idea is that all the possible states of oscillation of light moving in the z direction can be made up of judicious mixtures of the two basic oscillations in the x and y directions .
22 States such as Italy with a preponderance of coalition government or with marked factional organization within political parties have seen the phenomenon of the parcelling up of different parts of the state administration among different parties or factions ( e.g. Donolo 1980 ) .
23 Parsytec will sell the single processing unit , about the size of two briefcases , and larger computers made up of different configurations of the blocks .
24 In seminar teaching it should elicit feedback , questioning , the bringing out of implications or contradictions , and the opening up of fresh aspects of the subject .
25 This aspect arose in particular over the setting up of safe havens for the Kurds .
26 The final stage of the claim , that BSL consists purely of visual images in the story-teller and that BSL functions only at the visual concrete level , however , goes beyond the information given .
27 Therefore , while the user is moving in and out of various accounts in the course of normal work , LIFESPAN can be accessed at any time from any account which contains the relevant modules .
28 People occasionally emerge out of invisible tracks in the woods .
29 Beyond that , law centres would be expected to look to local authorities and other sources to fund work arising out of other needs of the communities they serve .
30 In short , an awful lot , since this is an information-packed service that is potentially of great use to us all , particularly at a time when it seems to be getting more and more difficult to get hard facts out of other parts of the aviation information system .
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