Example sentences of "[adv] the [noun sg] is that [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the principle is that if the owner loves the Biro , the Biro will return the affection and become a loyal companion .
2 So the procedure is that when I return his folded newspaper , I place the packages in his palm .
3 So the lesson is that if you use masking tape , or any other pressure sensitive tape , to hinge your works of art on paper , you should expect them to be showing yellow stains form the adhesive in four to five years time .
4 Thus the implication is that if the State Department issues a mild statement in response to an issue which is provoking inflammatory articles and speeches in the press and Congress ( for example , over the Agrarian Reform Law ) , then it is simply that the government is hiding its ’ real' intentions in order to deceive .
5 Now the effect is that if you make a decision from London , if you impose a decision from London , the people you impose that decision on are very very demoralised .
6 But now the situation is that if , er we stop and ask the way somebody very few people will stop and say it .
7 Erm , and , and I think sadly , as well the problem is that if this recession does go on for any length of time then we will be losing many of our
8 If you put something like N H and then O H four well the convention is that when it 's a suffix stuff a subscript and a suffix below the line there and just after it , it only applies to the last element .
9 Well the argument is that if you receive say a mobility allowance , and if we are laying on transport to get you to a Day Centre and back , maybe five days a week , then the argument is that that 's a fair levy against that allowance .
10 Right so the thing is if we talk about what you 've read and then The idea is that if there 's anything out of you 've read that 's given you an idea for an essay then you can do that .
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