Example sentences of "[adv] the [noun prp] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So the Atlantic was defined in the Triassic and , in fact , there is increasing evidence to suggest that much of the shape of western Europe was blocked out in Mesozoic times .
2 Soon the Balmoral was packed with eager passengers … although one family almost missed the boat
3 An importer of a product from outside the EEC is treated as a producer .
4 Meanwhile the Maskells are left with a house they ca n't insure , and ca n't sell .
5 In some cases , the units which make up the SVQ are designed to be assessed in the workplace by the candidate 's immediate workplace supervisor ; in other cases , the flexibility and responsiveness of the National Certificate system have allowed the Lead Body Standards to be built into National Certificate Modules .
6 Now the Masai are torn by the need to go to school ( schule in Swahili , a leftover of German occupation ) and the understanding that young people who go to school are lost to the traditional ways .
7 Now the CEGB is faced with defending its desire to construct a PWR at what may be the largest and most acrimonious public inquiry yet held in Britain .
8 I think he would have tore into Russell the next second , with his fists or his revolver , but now the Spencer was levelled at his belly ; almost touching it .
9 A hundred years ago the Cotswolds were transformed from a run-down rural backwater into a world-renowned centre for arts and crafts .
10 In accordance with the recommendation made by the BCP central committee in December 1989 [ see p. 37109 ] , the National Assembly on Jan. 15 voted overwhelmingly to repeal Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 1 of the Constitution , whereby the BCP was defined as the " leading force in society and in the state " and as guiding " the construction of an advanced socialist society in close fraternal co-operation with the BAPU [ Bulgarian Agrarian People 's Union — hitherto the only other legal political party — ibid . ] " .
11 A few years ago , I remember , even the Saint-Saëns was rejected by the Festival Hall . ’
12 The failure of this CR sometimes to show a loss with change of context ( and the fact that sometimes the CR is enhanced by such a change ) turns out to be evidence in favour of the proposal that appropriate contextual cues can foster the retrieval of associative information .
13 Unfortunately the RSV is forced by the sense of the narrative to obscure the play on words by translating the term as ‘ plague ’ the first time round ( v.
14 Initially the TDR was set at 8 per cent in the mid-1960s and raised to 10 per cent in 1969 The rate was reviewed in 1972 but not changed .
15 He served notice of his intention to table a radical report on how the EC is run in time for the meeting of the 12 leaders at the Lisbon summit in June .
16 Another kind of insight to be added to this model can be gained from other people 's responses to the same , or similar places Dame Laura Knight RA , in her autobiography The Magic of a Line gives an insight into how the Malverns were seen in the 1930s .
17 So I run Compass the opposite way to how the RSC was run at that particular time .
18 This picture , taken 24 hours earlier , shows the spot where the Haywards were robbed of their bags , cameras , cash and travellers cheques .
19 This was a grave danger , for anti-Russian counsels were beginning to be heard in Vienna , where the Dreikaiserbund was attacked as a sacrifice of Magyar interests .
20 In so far as they do , they are troubled : they try to find a way for women to be represented in a religion where the Godhead is conceived in male terms , and a way indeed to be able to associate themselves with a male God or Christ .
21 Government spending on health was cut in nearly half the African countries and in 60% of Latin American countries where the IMF was involved from 1980 to 1985 :
22 The Melanesian Spearhead Group ( SPG — composed of Papua New Guinea , Solomon Islands and Vanuatu ) , originally formed in 1986 [ not 1988 as wrongly given on p. 36702 ] to press for a strong stance on the New Caledonia issue within the South Pacific Forum , held a summit meeting in the Solomon Islands capital Honiara in March 1990 , when the FLNKS was admitted to full membership .
23 In fact , it was written , by myself , in 1975 when the NHS was torn with strife as Mrs Barbara Castle , Labour 's Social Services Secretary , determined to get rid of private ‘ pay beds ’ from the NHS .
24 In February 1989 , when the Louvre was closed for a month , museum experts under the direction of Lola Faillant-Dumas examined the ‘ Marriage at Cana ’ with infra-red reflectography , using a Hamatsu camera attached to a screen for immediate visualisation .
25 Like , where were all the anti-war songs when the Falklands were turned into a mass graveyard for the young men of England and Argentina ?
26 Like , where were all the anti-war songs when the Falklands were turned into a mass graveyard for the young men of England and Argentina ?
27 The most popular legends are those inspired by the battle of Kosovo in 1389. when the Serbs were defeated in their attempt to prevent the Turkish invasion further north .
28 In particular , the period from 1929 to 1931 , when the PCF was dominated by the unrelentingly sectarian leadership of Barbe and Celor , seemingly obsessed with the sole task of eliminating deviationists from the party line , with all the catastrophic consequences that this entailed ( reduced party membership , loss of electoral support , reduced sales of L'Humanite ) , represents a dark period in the history of the party itself .
29 Soviet leaders considered Iran 's renunciation of the CENTO Pact in early 1979 when the Shah was overthrown as a seminal event .
30 And that is why the SDP was declared to be a spent force the instant David Owen said that it would not be contesting every seat at the next election .
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