Example sentences of "[adv] the [noun] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A question I would ask is that given the product which you had in June and the fact that presumably you have to take what goes , presumably the fact that they do n't send you the strongest stuff erm are you surprised that the figures were down in view of the quality of what you had , or are you surprised it might not have been worse ?
2 It is on this apparent oddity that Mr. Howell founds an argument that the school can not rely on section 6(3) ( a ) to disapply the duty if it has used criteria designed to preserve the ‘ character of the school ’ in making its selection .
3 hob right the grease And I try for I cleaned everything up ,
4 And once again the autocracy appeared unable to mobilise effectively the resources that they created , through an industrial economy , to fight a modern war .
5 A notice hung on the gate and he read the words in the beam of the headlamps : DANGER .
6 ‘ I want to get three or four more experienced lads in their mid-20s to help bring on the youngsters but I do n't want players who are 30 . ’
7 ‘ It happened in the gym of this club right in the middle of my training , ’ he recalled , ‘ but it was not the training that brought on the attack although I had probably overdone things .
8 Maybe the time has come when they will now pass on the secret that they have so jealously guarded .
9 The same smell of stale tobacco hung on the air that she recalled from her only meeting with Tatyana Nowak the day before her suicide .
10 Lillee bowled another bouncer which did not get up as much as Fletch anticipated and it hit him straight on the head as he took his eye off the ball .
11 Eventually Neil was interviewed by a customs officer who , he says , ‘ Looked like Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks , but unlike him was as straight on the inside as he appeared on the outside . ’
12 The duchess put on the blindfold as she visited an orphanage in Kochedwice , Poland , on a visit for British charity Angels International yesterday .
13 Groups order through us , we place a ‘ bulk ’ order and pass on the saving when we send out the disks .
14 One is that the not guilty verdict was brought on the understanding that she sought medical help in a psychiatric hospital , and that poor Jane finished her days in Broadmoor .
15 A market maker , however , takes on the shares until he finds a buyer .
16 On April 4 President Özal announced that Turkey had admitted 100,000 Kurdish refugees , reversing its previous decision to close its borders ( which it had taken on the grounds that it had neither the infra-structure nor the resources to cope with the flood of Kurdish refugees ) .
17 Jenkins unlocked one of the bedrooms when they got back to the Windorah and switched on the light after he had crossed to the window to draw the curtains .
18 There was a bedroom to their left , at the front of the house , and Carson pushed open the opposite door and led the way through into the sitting-room , switching on the light as he went .
19 Press the switch on the fascia and it lights up a new world of controlled cooking .
20 Please , I 'll pass on the information that you 've received , contact Kevin or myself for the details that are on the leaflets we 've put about .
21 A third group of carers take on the job because they feel that they have to .
22 The leather baggage and glass cosmetic pots of the day were too heavy to take on the plane but she managed to find lighter substitutes and so became a pioneer of lightweight luggage , as well as a pioneer female passenger .
23 The Brigadier switched on the motor and they began a bumpy , swaying descent .
24 He switched on the radio and they listened without speaking for a while , and Juliet forgot he had n't answered her last statement .
25 You play Indy , who takes on the Nazis as he searches for the precious power-giving material , Orichalcum .
26 But there are all sorts of reasons why we do n't get that news , one guy said well if we wanted to do it I know if we wanted to make the news that , according to the level of human suffering we 'd start off with Ethiopia then we 'd have the Kurdish problem and you know just made a living of disaster areas around the world , he said we might of finished up with a light hearted discussion on the poll tax , you know as the , as the light , the lightener at the end of the news if you like , and our , what news we receive here depends on our perception of the world , but mainly it 's the other way round our perception of the world is , is what , you know what it , or rather the news that we get actually manufactures our perception of the world .
27 ‘ That was rather the impression that I gathered , sir , ’ the lawyer said with a lift of one ironic eyebrow .
28 It 's not just the better the members that we 've got working in the Health Service , it 's about everybody in the room and everybody in the country who wants to use it and we 've got ta get it a bi a bit higher up on the agenda at this union and I hope Mick , that you can give us the confidence and give us the commitment , that that 's what we 're gon na get from this union .
29 And apparently the firm that she ordered the thing from in the first place had been er , re-set up .
30 Yeah , but basically from , from that programme all , all the er , you can see all the resources were really being used all week and , but I had a problem when we came to do the bedrooms that er , you can there , we ran out of work for the decorators to do er removing this thing , once you 've removed and then I managed to squeeze in , but where the second decorator 's erm up to room twenty-three but rather than erm have just one gang than , and not , not using as many as the resources as we possibly could I let them gave the second gang a few rooms that they could actually squeeze in without interrupting I 've let them do up to room twenty-three and then and then basically the carpenting and they have to come in after everybody else has done what they Monday morning basically we just decided that we really needed more resources the earlier sequence of events to , to get so we were getting to so whether we 've been given
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