Example sentences of "[adv] much as [pron] can [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Solicitors who do not tell their clients in advance as much as they can about the likely cost of a piece of work — or exceed an estimate without notice — are now at risk of having their charges reduced by the Law Society under its powers to penalise Inadequate Professional Services .
2 Erm , I think we ought to make it very clear again , that we can now trace calls , and er , I hope the press are noting that and making as much as they can of it , because that 's the sort of thing that helps to remove malicious calls , which go which cost a lot of money , and a lot of time , and also put somebody else 's life in danger when an appliance has been called out to something that it 's not required for .
3 At the other end of the spectrum , some farmers are so keen to pass on as much as they can to the next generation they leave themselves and their spouses with no capital or income on which to live .
4 I think it 's cos they 're student doctors , you know , they like to prescribe as much as they can for the students !
5 What they believe in is that everybody out there is out to grab as much as they can for their own private interest and they 're prepared to meet them halfway on that .
6 The Authority are pushing as much as they can on the scheme and there 's been no response to yesterday .
7 Because I want to do as much as we can during the holiday so that when you go back you you 're up there with the rest of them okay .
8 We can learn more about ourselves from monkeys than from microbes , and looking around our modern human world it is clear that we need to discover as much as we can about ourselves .
9 ‘ We have made it our duty to find out as much as we can about Natasha , so that if it comes to a point where we want to adopt her , we will have the documentation ready . ’
10 We have no choice but to deduce as much as we can about the baking of the cake from studying what happens if we miss out a constituent , alter the temperature or cooking time or whatever …
11 So what we need to do is understand as much as we can of all pattern writing and notation methods , so that we may use all that is available to us in magazines , books , and so on .
12 Er so any clarification you can give about er er Mr er with Mr Potter 's comment that we would have to wait and see each one on its circumstances when we talking earlier about the industrial change of use makes me twitch , because it 's lack of precision which all of us are trying to eliminate as much as we can in this process .
13 A Foreign Office spokesman said : We always do as much as we can in such circumstances .
14 While it has the advantage of putting slurry at plant root level where it can be used quickly , it can not bury the same volume of slurry or reduce the smell as much as it can with deep injection .
15 You should try to read as much as you can of the great Elizabethan and Jacobean dramatists ; Shakespeare , Marlowe and Ben Jonson , Beaumont and Fletcher , Tourneur , Webster , Middleton .
16 You should read as much as you can of European and American drama , both historical and contemporary , for by doing so you will certainly set yourself up well for both drama school training and your subsequent acting career .
17 Stress the appeal of the building and make as much as you can of its history and contribution to the street .
18 I find it very difficult when you have a journalist round , and you will perhaps cooperate as much as you can with an interview , and then sometimes they 'll go and dip their pen in acid and write really horrid things .
19 To get this sort of and if you can talk as much as you can with your lovely
20 Find out as much as you can about the school .
21 Learn as much as you can about all aspects of the issue beforehand .
22 Find out as much as you can about the firm you decide on .
23 Learn as much as you can about Plato , Socrates and their times .
24 Choose a product and try to find out as much as you can about it .
25 Find out as much as you can about an item of equipment that you have at home ( eg stereo unit , electric mixer ) .
26 Find out as much as you can about procedures for stock storage , handling and rotation in the shop where you work/a shop you know .
27 When you meet your teacher for the first time , tell him , or her , as much as you can about why you decided to have lessons .
28 Find out as much as you can about a job before you apply for it , and certainly before you have an interview .
29 Pimples can cause much anguish , so it pays to learn as much as you can about your skin , and to get the help of your doctor or a dermatologist at a hospital skin clinic .
30 And the most vital step in preparing to persuade is to find out as much as you can about the people you are targeting .
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