Example sentences of "[adv] too [adj] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I believe , therefore , that Rousseau was right to look with apprehension on the fragmentation of society into a collection of interest groups , and to see that in such circumstances it is all too easy for the general interest , the good of the community as a whole , to be lost sight of .
2 It can otherwise be all too easy for the blind child to be pushed and pulled about .
3 It is key to the coordination role that redrafting is kept under control ; it is all too tempting for the various parties to attempt to improve the wording and suggest further amendment without adding material value .
4 Far right : Neat and not too bulky for the small garden .
5 He had been just too young for the Korean War , and one day he told me that it was one of the experiences he regretted having missed .
6 If any readers want to share their interest in these models hen please do write as once again this is a little-known subject ; perhaps these models are just too big for the average collector to handle ?
7 These , not merely the hopelessly wounded , but those whose wounds were just too complicated for the frantic surgeons to waste time probing , or who looked as if they would be little use to the army again , were laid outside in the bitter cold .
8 As for the chasy games ( also too undignified for the other girls to join in ) , it is to that that I owe the mark on my cheek .
9 It was far too early for the immaculate and highly paid receptionist to be in ; in fact , no one below the level of partner was present .
10 The problem was to find exports with which to pay for it ; English woollens and iron products were not luxurious enough for the ruling class in India and were far too expensive for the vast majority of the population .
11 The personal dynamism required to counter the forces of these extremes of weather would be far too great for the human frame .
12 Luckily I had some microworm available — they were far too small for the usual Mbuna first foods — and they were soon gaining in size .
13 Social events for example were organised for the deaf rather than by deaf people themselves , mainly by hearing missioners ; deaf magazines like the Deaf Quarterly News and the British Deaf Times were largely aimed at a readership far too sophisticated for the average ordinary deaf person , written and edited by missioners ; the Guild of St. John of Beverley , an organisation of mainly clerical missioners interested in doing things for the deaf , flourished .
14 We both like beans on toast , although I like mine with liberal lashings of Worcester sauce , which I expect is far too exotic for the Prime Minister .
15 He considered that a multiplier of 12 was substantially too high for the ordinary case of a man dying at age 53 , leaving a widow of 52 and a child of 18 .
16 And there were and erm I hope this is n't too embarrassing for the male members of the audience .
17 The ferocious-looking spines , which seem almost too large for the central animal , are mostly attached , but one or two have come adrift .
18 David Scott was not one of the more successful county politicians , and perhaps his attitude is a little too pure for the real world of eighteenth-century politics , but it represents , even if in an exaggerated form , the general political maxim that the politician performs friendly services for his friends without haggling over a bargain , or even implying that an understanding existed which might suggest that a vote was given for services rendered , or as in this case , for services which might be performed at a future date .
19 This race against the clock is of an intriguing length , 68 kilometres , perhaps a little too short for the top men in the discipline .
20 His brown shoes which , like his suit , were a little too heavy for the warm weather , were nevertheless highly polished .
21 He was perhaps a little too intelligent for the daily grind of professional golf , without having that last cutting edge of brilliance which would have brought him an Open Championship .
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