Example sentences of "[adv] only do he [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Not only does he collect the ball well when under attack , he also distributes it magnificently on occasions , picking out midfielders with great accuracy , sometimes over 20–30 yards .
2 Not only does he handle the commercial activities of Kew but he is also responsible for its little-publicised conservation work .
3 For not only does he emphasize the continuity of his poetic development but he also introduces echoes and half-parodic reminiscences of the English and European literary inheritance of which he was a beneficiary .
4 The two men knew each other much better now but , on the face of it , despite their joint passion for Sherlock Holmes and Eliot 's reliance upon Hayward 's editorial skills ( not only did he inspect the poetry , but he also removed social malapropisms from the drama ) , they were an oddly matched pair .
5 Not only did he lay the foundation for the theory of computer programs , but in 1952 he published a highly original paper on pattern formation .
6 During these past ten years , he had learned a great deal about his stepfather 's business ; not only did he trudge the streets collecting money , which he then took to the bank after it had been religiously recounted by Luther , but he was the one who made all the entries into the ledgers ; he was the one who always met with accountants and reported back to his stepfather , who constantly grumbled that he was ‘ too ill and racked with pain' to weigh himself down with the burden of meetings and ridiculous men in ridiculous suits , with their ridiculous ideas that a man should always invest the money he earns with the sweat of his brow …
7 Not only did he enjoy the occasion he also raised around £750 for Leukaemia and Kidney Research .
8 Not only did he order the apple pie and cream , but he also poured her yet another glass of wine — somehow she seemed to have drunk the other already !
9 But it was Eliot who in the end loosened the hold of the " modernists " on English culture — not only did he assert the public role and " social usefulness " of the writer in an almost nineteenth-century manner , but he also announced that the principles he derived from his religious belief were more enduring than literary or critical ones .
10 Not only did he concede the penalty but he also presented White with the perfect chance to cap a memorable day .
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