Example sentences of "[adv] only [be] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Not only are estimates of NAIRU notorious for their lack of robustness , they also have a disconcerting tendency to shadow the actual unemployment rate suspiciously closely .
2 Not only are expectations of family life changing , but since families also operate as groups or systems within a wider environment some families are more vulnerable to social change than others .
3 Not only is tourism to Israel continuing to increase this year , but the number of Israelis travelling abroad in 1993 is expected to top 900,000 following the lifting last January of a $100 travel tax .
4 And so , according to Todd , not only is variation in family types an interesting further element of the cultural mosaic , it is also linked to other aspects of that mosaic ; as such , it requires understanding , as a part of the whole and not just as a thing in its own right .
5 Meanwhile Hobbes ' low opinion of natural man as an individual was given a different twist by Locke ( 1690 ) who emphasized that not only is man outside society an amoral being but that the distinction between moral and amoral behaviour itself depends upon social conventions .
6 The model showing the significance of loss of mother to adult depression by Brown and his colleagues given above suggests that not only is loss of mother an independent vulnerability factor in the aetiology of depression , but that both premarital pregnancy and institutional care could also be considered as vulnerability factors ( see Harris et al. , 1987a ) .
7 Not only were heads of department required to produce departmental appraisals but other staff had to contribute towards pastoral and other sections of the report .
8 Not only was administration of controls difficult ; their abolition was politically risky .
9 Peck , though , dismisses the event as ‘ humour ’ and Justin Simpson comments : ‘ If this fable was trustworthy we could scarcely do otherwise than believe that not only was Stamford in days past frequently honoured by the presence of English Kings and Queens , but also that His Satanic Majesty occasionally hunted in the neighbourhood . ’
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