Example sentences of "[adv] give some [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 They can not be too strict about this relationship , for the score , whether commissioned or arranged , will only give some flavour of the traditional ways of singing and dancing .
2 Exact equivalents between UK qualifications and overseas qualifications can rarely be given , but the notes below give some idea of the recognition granted to some qualifications .
3 The search for new policies led additionally to the widespread adoption of monetary targets in most economies , including the UK , apparently giving some acceptance of the monetarist claim that inflation is a consequence of a rapid growth in the money supply .
4 The agricultural industry has an attractiveness that few other industries share and the responses above give some indication of the reasons .
5 Often , this is done almost in the form of a doodle ( technically a ‘ scamp ’ or rough ) which shows how the elements of the design of the ad will fit together , and may also give some idea of the character of the illustration .
6 This is perhaps best demonstrated by citing three specific and very different examples , which should also give some indication of the wide range of problems which can be illuminated by an appropriate statistical analysis .
7 It will also give some indication of the range of assets in which it expects to invest : ‘ famous names ’ , ‘ recovery situations ’ , ‘ European ’ are examples .
8 Table 1.4 also gives some sense of the differences of emphasis within these broad subject categories , showing that polytechnic/college courses are often ‘ applied ’ , whereas those in the universities are ( by implication ) often ‘ theoretical ’ or ‘ pure ’ ; although one must not rely too much on labels in higher education .
9 The figure also gives some idea of the changing size of the dependent population ( those over 65 together with children under school-leaving age ) which has to be supported by those of working age .
10 It also gives some indication of the pattern of the sexual division of labour as it was developing in the late 1960s .
11 They simply give some indication of the level of relief .
12 The above list , however incomplete , does however give some idea of the geographical extent of the effort .
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