Example sentences of "[adv] than [pron] would have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But he went down to Suffolk very often , much more often perhaps than he would have done had Wyvis Hall been destined to pass back to the Berelands or on to one of those cousins in the United States .
2 Much laughter and badinage arose out of trying to outdo each other , block each other 's moves , and the evening passed more swiftly than she would have believed possible .
3 This approximation is shown by the dashed horizontal line in Fig. 2 b , and it agrees with the numerical results significantly better than we would have expected .
4 I had the feeling of a patron drawn deeper than he would have liked into the unpredictable consequences of his generosity — a lonely figure , heir to the Agnew fortune and tradition , yet unmarried , childless , last of his line .
5 I find it boring , it 's not particularly useful — it 's very academic , more so than I would have expected it to be .
6 She watched the keys fall , noting that they fell more slowly than they would have done on the Earth .
7 And once broken , once the grief and tears had begun , it would take some little time for her to recover , although now that she had faced what had happened she might do so more quickly and easily than she would have done had she continued suppressing her memories , and refusing healthy grieving .
8 I understand that one of the reasons why it took longer than one would have wished was that the emergency services went to the inappropriate end of the tunnel , further away from the train , and had to be redirected to the other end , which gave easier access to the two trains .
9 ‘ That took much longer than I would have believed . ’
10 For longer , much longer than I would have dared , Laura held us all there , sustaining the kiln 's turbulent rage , then said quietly , ‘ Alex , take this glove .
11 His prophecy was now coming true , perhaps even sooner than he would have dreamed .
12 He recovered far more quickly than she would have thought possible for such a big man , but the drag on her arm nearly pulled it out of its socket .
13 He still had n't said anything to her bald accusation , and suddenly she needed his reply more than she would have thought possible .
14 It finally bit me , twisting its neck more than I would have thought possible and catching my right index finger right on the knuckle .
15 They too tend to work very hard , harder than they would have done at school , and get good results .
16 His words hurt her more deeply than she would have imagined .
17 Louisa was held by those urgent eyes , drawn more deeply than she would have wished into the darkness behind .
18 He spoke honestly , but more harshly than he would have done if it had n't been for the pain he carried .
19 Miss LaMotte spoke more forcefully than I would have expected : she is surprisingly handsome when animated .
20 Raynor , more closely attuned to her now than he would have believed possible , felt the strength and the sudden arrogance and the automatic shouldering of a burden , and knew that it was this quality , this mastery , that set her so much apart .
21 ‘ That is putting it rather more strongly than I would have done .
22 Her make-up she had purposely applied slightly more heavily than she would have done during the day , silver-grey shadow adding emphasis to her eyes , a touch of blusher for her cheeks , lipstick .
23 They had drifted much farther than I would have thought possible .
24 He moved faster than I would have thought anyone could on a train and was already talking into a radio headset when I reached his office .
25 Sophie said , ‘ The word seems to have gone round faster than I would have thought possible .
26 After confiscating their musical instruments , the police allowed them to proceed and they went on to parade — much more quietly than they would have liked .
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