Example sentences of "[adv] when they [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Many lecturers ( who are seldom trained educationalists ) do not realise the importance of this statement , and announce their topics only when they appear at the lectern .
2 He spoke only when they arrived at the car .
3 True , bolder challenges to orthodoxy , especially when they touched upon the role played by the party , provoked fierce resistance .
4 Conservatives have long held the view that there is too much emphasis on individual rights and not enough on duties , especially when they rail against the self-interested , Westernized attitudes of modern Japanese youth .
5 We need to be able to take deliveries at all times of the day and it is very difficult to dictate to carriers , especially when they come from the other end of the country , what time they can deliver .
6 The men of Charlton must have cherished their independence , especially when they looked at the fate of the neighbouring village of Noke , which , it was said , was lost by Lily , duchess of Marlborough , at cards .
7 Some committee clerks come to have an important role , especially when they work with the same committee and the same chairman for some time .
8 And when he and Hugh Paddick joined together for their Julian and Sandy routine — bravely supposedly using the names , and names only , of Julian Slade and Sandy Wilson ( writers of The Boy Friend and Salad Days ) — Williams and Paddick were giving new meaning to that word ‘ gay ’ , especially when they talked about the figure-hugging black number they had bought in Carnaby Street .
9 So when they come across the first element of mystery which they can not understand , they conclude that Christianity is not rational after all .
10 " They that go down to the sea in ships and occupy their business in great waters ; these men see the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep … so when they cry unto the Lord in their trouble He delivereth them out of this distress .
11 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I am well aware of the fact that for some years now you have cut yourself off from your past and not deigned to reply to the letters of your friends , or even to return their calls , taking refuge in your answering machine and pretending not to be in when they rang at the bell .
12 they tend to drift away when they get to the last year anyway , you know ?
13 I think the only trouble over there , is your to gon na have people parking in front of ya gate , like when they go to the chip shop .
14 With the 401st Bomb Group continuing their dials missions , a brief respite cam e to Dan and his crew as Mary Alice underwent repairs , until just even days later when they flew to the marshalling yards south of Paris on June 4 .
15 ‘ They kept the fighting till later when they sat on the management-union joint negotiation committee .
16 Nevertheless nerves were still frayed half-an-hour later when they pulled into the Scratchwood service area .
17 People are still paying off the debt they ran up when they borrowed on the back of roaring house prices in the eighties .
18 Some spoke of the challenging messages that they wanted to give out when they walked down the street in a particular outfit .
19 However , there are wrong answers and these should be pointed out when they appear in the trainees ' work .
20 ‘ George did n't want to put the business at the cottage to them , you can see why , and it 's pretty clear they do n't want to believe in a conspiracy anyway , even when they knew about the Reznichenko Memorandum . ’
21 He did n't see , not even when they got in the car and his Dad drove off .
22 Some submissions were to clear the initial hurdles relatively quickly , even when they fell at the first one .
23 Even when they worked in the same industry they were often employed in quite different processes : in copper mining for example at the surface not underground , and were separately waged .
24 Most people naively imagine they will stop immediately when they jam on the brakes .
25 Perhaps for this reason Judaism and Islam , particularly when they refer to the creative power of the god whom they follow , suggest that their deity is in fact the only god who exists and not simply the only god who is to be worshipped :
26 I think if you go back a hundred years the problems in British culture were much worse , but nonetheless I do think there 's a tremendous arrogance around in modern so-called civilized Britain , and particularly when they talk about the ancient civilization of Israel , I just think that they were a far more humane nation than we are .
27 While short-term separation of parent and child under favourable circumstances is unlikely to be damaging to the child , long-term separations can have more serious effects , particularly when they occur in the first three to four years of the child 's life .
28 Those twin notions of power and mystery mark much of the teaching of Old and New Testaments alike when they treat of the Spirit of God .
29 one day a Boy had a imvertashun to go to a party in Sawth a Merica on the way a crocodil sad Hello Boy do you wont to come Friends yes sad the Boy do you want to come to a Party with my yes sad the crocodil comon then ill calle you Croc do you like that name yes i do What is your name my name is dafydd you can koll my dafy Comon then When they came to the partty a nother boy said helo crocodile and the crocodile said my name is croc okay said the boy croc come and eat okay Boy So he did .
30 Yes you 're quite right there because part of the street , the pavement and hard standing in the gardens for the cars which was a very good idea , now there 's the city have done two thirds of that and then when they came to the end of the er cul-de- sac ,
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