Example sentences of "[adv] so that [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The only way around these attempted take-offs was to walk very slowly so that we did n't build up too much ground speed , as airline pilots would say , and stop if Dawn 's wings did open .
2 Keep a good lookout and stay back from the line a little so that you do n't get into problems with people on starboard tack , then look for a gap to tack into .
3 At first sight it is a pretty enough spectacle to see a matchbox made ; one motion of the hands bends into shape the notched frame of the case , another surrounds it with the ready-pasted strip of painted wrapper , which , by long practice is fitted instinctively without a wrinkle , then the sandpaper or phosphorous paper , pasted ready beforehand , is applied and pressed on so that it sticks fast .
4 So much so that we took out insurance er if it went over twenty percent we were covered .
5 ‘ It 's just like a piano and so much so that we have n't even got one at home and I did n't practice on one before the competition I can just switch to playing it instead of a piano , ’ said Lisa .
6 Those values and that conception of society have permeated the American consciousness , so much so that they have largely gone unstated .
7 During the 1980s these quasi-government agencies became a convenient means of off-balance-sheet financing ; so much so that they have now amassed nearly $1 trillion-worth of obligations underwritten by the American taxpayer .
8 She was all but out of the door on her way to Oxford Street when , incredibly , she found herself shaking , so much so that she went back into the tiny bedroom and lay down .
9 At school , compensating , she had worked and worked and worked , so much so that she had finally made the two A's and a B necessary for medicine in her A levels .
10 And as they come , as Naomi comes back to the place where she went astray so God starts to bless , so much so that she does n't know whether she 's standing or sitting !
11 Mrs J. was a dominant person , so much so that she ended up in hospital suffering from malnutrition , as she had refused to eat .
12 That 's why sprinters when they cross the line very often collapse many of them , because they 've used up their oxygen so much so that there 's not got enough and their brain switches off momentarily and they collapse .
13 Sun Microsystems Inc , as reported ( CI No 2,118 ) has formed a new software subsidiary that is noticeably more distant from itself than its orbiting planets , so much so that it does not even rate a Sun tag .
14 This was a mood that did not last ; the secular spirit is natural , it is more than ever clear , to modern industrial states — so much so that it invades even the clergy .
15 Nevertheless it all sounded pretty convincing , so much so that you came out wondering whether that persistent zit on your face was n't the result of bad diet , but actually something implanted by alien beings , determined for their own mysterious purposes to make you suffer the social embarrassment of a bad complexion .
16 Aviation was one of them and I was completely fascinated by the thrill of flying , so much so that I thought seriously of giving up journalism and becoming an aviator .
17 So much so that I want very much to make love to you again .
18 There , too , he was overwhelmed by what he saw ; so much so that he went back with Hanns for a hectic fortnight at the end of September .
19 So much so that he spent fully eight years in a succession of colleges before throwing himself on the tender mercies of the world .
20 Christopher 's outstretched right hand was running slowly through her hair , touching her head at the roots and pulling the hair outwards so that it fell back like a fan .
21 ‘ If we take off the reedbed 's top 30cm of vegetation — just enough so that we do not kill off the reeds — and put in some new dykes to give a good water flow we will restore the reedbed to its former glory . ’
22 but if you can think of some way to say that and put it down so that we put down something like four sentences on paper and a few examples .
23 He had a beautiful dream of riding Bones like you saw people on the television , leaping great fences , seen from low down so that they looked about ten feet high .
24 You must do all the inserts first and then copy down so that you end up with the right formula at the end of the day which is the C five , C eight .
25 I 'll tell David when he comes down so that you do n't need to worry about whatever plans you 've made with him .
26 Finally , if asked to do so , tie all the scripts together so that none goes astray .
27 At the top the beetles have discovered the dead mouse ; they bury it by tunnelling beneath it and removing the earth from below so that it drops down into the excavation ; at the bottom as the mouse sinks down into the earth the beetles roll it into a ball ready for the reception of their eggs .
28 He managed somehow to get under my skin , tangle me up inside so that I did n't know if I was coming or going .
29 Insert the cocktail sticks into the cake at 1cm ( ½inch ) intervals along the line of the string , pushing in so that they stick out just over 1cm ( ½inch ) .
30 ‘ Um — is that putting patients in order of priority as they come in so that you do n't leave people to bleed to death because they 're at the end of the queue ? ’
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