Example sentences of "[adv] if he [vb -s] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps if he has n't got labels , he does n't know what his clothes are , ’ said the Thing .
2 Only if he does n't know , and he and the old bat are hostile about the way Karel had me adapted
3 When the defence relied upon is ‘ act or default of another person , ’ the defendant will have a good defence only if he has also made available to the prosecution such information as he has identifying that other person .
4 ‘ He 'll be all right if he does n't start listening to the wrong people . ’
5 The president 's unilateral reforms will achieve little if he does not talk to blacks .
6 Mr will tweak his ear off if he does n't get that done .
7 Like if he does n't wash , you do n't wash them .
8 Oh yes that 's stupid that , he he 'll end up if he does n't go , with a mou a mouth of sort of black
9 A might still suspect B of having stolen something from him elsewhere ( e.g. if he has just discovered that a bunch of keys is missing from the hall table ) .
10 I mean s Kingsley Black has stood it in here to the second post now if he does n't feel he can get enough on it to go for goal he should keep it in the danger area just turn it back across the face of the goal and let one of the other lads have a go at it , Collimore or Rozario .
11 Now if he does n't get the economy right he 's gon na end up with egg on his face and
12 And we do n't become lost at the end of lives , we do n't become lost at some date in history , we are lost now if he has n't found us .
13 Well if he does n't like my C64 why does n't he buy me an Amiga 500 for my birthday ?
14 Well if he does n't like it Tony 'll wear it get one of , Paula get one of those , one of these made in Sri Lanka
15 But whereas the long version refers only to the words in Lamentations 1:12 ( O all ye that pass by the way , attend , and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow ) , the short version incorporates all the references to focus more sharply on the organic relationship between man and Christ whose natural growth is blasted by sin : And only in the short version does the meditator acknowledge this by identifying himself with the penitent thief pleading for pardon to be extended to him , and confessing his failure to acknowledge Christ as the true source of his integrity : In both versions the meditator admits that the very ability to recognise the life-giving power in Christ is a sign that he in fact has the love of God even if he does not feel it : And in both , as the meditator sees his betrayal and sense of deprivation borne by Christ in His words : " My god , my dere god , why hastow al forsakyn me … ( 89. cf.102 ) he imagines himself lying down among the bones of dead men on mount Calvary , taking the foot of the Cross in his arms , the stench of death in his nostrils .
16 The Revenue are of the view that a taxpayer 's home ( even if a rented flat ) can be his main residence even if he does not own it .
17 If tolerance is essential to such fiction , then the novelist tolerates , even if he does not defend or excuse , much that is outside the range of other arts , not excluding affectation , pretension , self-contradiction and sin : ‘ among the Filthy , filthy ’ .
18 By exploring your own body and finding out , by masturbation , what feels good to you , you can guide your partner , so that he is able to arouse you to a climax , even if he does not have an erection .
19 But his speculation — so far only seen in outline , in a methodological ( and often polemical ) essay rather than in a series of detailed studies — point to what I believe to be the correct questions even if he does not provide all the right answers .
20 The firm can treat the customer as an ordinary business investor even if he does not consent in writing unless he says otherwise ; a one-way letter is sufficient .
21 With a price tag on 3 mill £ Wilko will not place on him the bench — even if he does n't do so well ?
22 Even if he does n't send me to the Glasshouse , I 'm done for .
23 please would you tell Bill I will not be staying at the same hotel as the owners , and that I will again not be going to the president 's lunch , but that I will be at the races , even if he does n't see me . ’
24 Does he get paid even if he does n't find them ? ’
25 That 's because he 'll be a deadweight , even if he does n't bungle the changeover or drop the baton .
26 Your son knows where it comes from even if he does n't take the stuff himself .
27 The important thing is that there is a lot of preamble because the guy 's bound to say erm and even if he does n't ask you what the price is you must make sure he knows .
28 Even if he does n't live with us , he 's still my dad . ’
29 He still has a lot to give … even if he does nt play every match .
30 I have no evidence one way or another as to the extent of risk of an episode occurring within five weeks but realism and commonsense tell me that there is a reasonable possibility that it will not and that even if he does unfortunately suffer such a trauma , he will if his life has to be preserved by artificial means , recover sufficiently for a decision at the main hearing as to further mechanical ventilation for the future .
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