Example sentences of "[adv] go into the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Though the Act of 1547 provided that the surrendered endowments of the remaining 2,374 chantries be applied to public and charitable purposes nationally , much of it merely went into the pockets of Edward VI 's advisers .
2 Considerable thought obviously went into the preparation of the recommendations , and clinics opened or planned since that time have largely followed the guidelines .
3 I was working for a yarn firm who had just gone into the marketing of coned yarns — unfortunately they did not stay the course .
4 There is no need hereto go into the rivalries of the various mathematicians involved in the search for the cubic formula — however it makes for fascinating reading ( [ 71 ] , [ 64 ] , [ 75 ] ) .
5 We shall not go into the variety of psychological mechanisms which convert terrible actuality into pleasing imagination , but there is one of them , sado-masochism , which demands attention because it explains why tellers of harsh truths so often offend not only our sentimentality but our moral sensibility .
6 Although we can not go into the technicalities of Ohmann 's method , it is worth mentioning that the apparatus he used was that of an earlier version of Transformational Grammar , one which subsequently underwent profound modifications . "
7 Let's not go into the specifics of the court case just now David Lightbown , what I want to say to you , do you think it 's a case , some people might perhaps unjustifiably but they still would say that those people who are bullied are bullied because they are nonconformists and in the military one has to conform and many people
8 Here we can not go into the details of a normal co-ordinate analysis , as they are complicated even using harmonic force fields ; the method is well described elsewhere [ 22 , 23 ] .
9 I can not go into the details of Mr. Hall 's case .
10 At this time in the morning , I shall not go into the details of the report but will simply say that the Committee was shocked by what it found .
11 Rather the company envisages the use of Object Cobol with object-oriented analysis and design , and an analyst will not go into the detail of strings and numbers , but simply view things like accounts and customers as objects .
12 Into this arena then a book like Petch 's comes as a tremendous boost to the debate , in that not only does it provide an excellent summary of this area of community care policy ( including Scottish policy ) , but it also goes into the microcosms of eleven supported accommodation projects and looks at how such policy works in practice .
13 So , so that 's been a great improvement I think , erm in recent years and , and in the erm early seventies we , we also went into the business of providing equipment that could be left at rescues , on site , you know it was always tying up a fire engine by taking it there and , and being tied up so we provided these things which we call demountable equipment , which we commonly call the pods and erm
14 ‘ You nearly went into the back of that bus . ’
15 They might say you gave a good performance , or they may say you gave a bad one , but they rarely go into the realms of personal abuse .
16 I have not got space here to go into the sources of new pop theory — they include avant-garde art music , the new technological and computer processes of mixing and recording sound , art school flirtation with structuralist and post-structuralist theories of representation , punk flirtation with situationist theories of the spectacle — but their combined impact was to focus attention on popular music as a construction of sound and image .
17 Now I wo n't go into the technicalities of , of the knitting element but it it 's , to say this , that , that needle , four hundred years ago , is still being used today .
18 POWELL : Ah , ah , I , I am saying in addition that that either meant that the thing was going to be vetoed anyhow by the Falkland Islanders , and that therefore even if Britain wanted to get rid of , of sovereignty , she was n't going to get rid of it in terms of her own statement ; or that the Falkland Islanders were going to be put under so much pressure , ah — we need n't go into the details of what is meant in those connections , by pressure ; I 'm sure the Foreign Office will supply the details if requested — ah , would be put under so much pressure that eventually they would collapse and give way .
19 Pliny 's account naturally did n't go into the details of the mechanics of the eruption , but his account is so illuminating that it is quite clear what happened , and similar eruptions , blasting large volumes of pumiceous ash into the air are still called Plinian eruptions .
20 What then goes into the making of the case ?
21 With anomalies , you either go into the history of the word , or advise the learner to memorise it by finding a mnemonic .
22 ‘ ENOCH Powell once advised me : ‘ Never go into the Chamber of the House of Commons without a verbal grenade in your pocket ’ , ’ Mr Norman Tebbit wrote in his biography Upwardly Mobile .
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