Example sentences of "[adv] as he [verb] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 He will never be content , so long as he knows that he is in our debt . ’
2 There was the man demobbed from his regiment who came to do the garden just as he had before he was called to war .
3 The man on the horse saw and wondered , just as he had when he came to a bend in the road outside the city and saw the panorama of classical buildings and shining Avon .
4 He started to back away , just as he had when he saw my dad .
5 The Secretary of State for Education and Science sits on the Treasury Bench , treating us over this Bill just as he did when he was Secretary of State for Health .
6 Now , when I touch his cheek with my finger , he responds normally , but not as quickly as he responds when he is held to the breast .
7 A row blew up as he confirmed that he will obey the German and EC deadline and rush through the Maastricht Bill in the Commons ‘ by next summer ’ .
8 He had n't concentrated on one thing for years now as he had when he 'd started collecting stamps at the age of nine , so careful , so worried , so never leaving anything for a minute that could be done straight away by him .
9 Well as he says when he 's at home he likes to get down the pub with the boys for a pint because of course it is dry Up There .
10 There was no way I was ever going to ride as well as he did and he surely knew it .
11 She 'd never seen anyone move as fast as he did when he put poor old Dan Pearson on his back .
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