Example sentences of "[adv] we must [vb infin] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So we must accept that the creatures we will encounter in the Scottish hills are not the stuff of big game hunters ' after-dinner bragging , but they are varied and thrilling in their discovery nonetheless .
2 Surely we must assume that the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , had the common sense to warn his colleagues in the Cabinet that the fuel tax would be a suicide note for the remaining Tory MPs in Scotland ?
3 We are not told so , but surely we must surmise that the door was shut unobtrusively , and therefore gently , by the shopkeeper .
4 That is , unless we believe that language-users present each other with prefabricated chunks of linguistic strings ( sentences ) , after the fashion of Swift 's professors at the grand academy of Lagado ( Gulliver 's Travels , part 3 , chapter 5 ) , then we must assume that the data we investigate is the result of active processes .
5 If we postulate , and we just have , that within un- , sub- or supernatural forces the probability is that the law of probability will not operate as a factor , then we must accept that the probability of the first part will not operate as a factor , in which case the law of probability will operate as a factor within un- , sub- or supernatural forces .
6 If we recognise the possibility of such an argument in relation to the concept ‘ multiple points of view ’ , then we must recognise that the ability to exercise multiple points of view is not very fully tested by Greenfield 's school tests .
7 Since it is hard to see how in any respect , in the context of interdicts , legacies could have been brought into line with trusts , at the very least we must suppose that the compilers have turned the text around , writing of making legacies equivalent to trusts where Ulpian had written of making trusts equivalent to legacies .
8 That is why we must ensure that the contract is properly dealt with — otherwise , the Public Accounts Committee , among other bodies , will have a lot to say .
9 Certainly we must hope that the government in its final response will take the arguments put forward by Alvey somewhat further ; after all it has had the best part of six months to consider them .
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