Example sentences of "[adv] at [noun] [coord] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bjorn shone brightly in everything he was asked to do , not only at shows but also at trials .
2 The public declaration that he was " ready to meet [ his ] enemies , wherever they may appear " was aimed not only at foreigners but also at his own subjects .
3 He did so at home and away in 1965–66 , and then hit another when they were visitors at Selhurst Park in February 1967 .
4 In the summer of 1912 they were again together at Céret and then at Sorgues , a village near Avignon where Braque rented a house , and together they visited Marseilles in search of tribal art .
5 The wives were normally at home and therefore within earshot when assistance was needed .
6 Hence the dictionary aims not at completeness but rather at covering the more usual words of the language and avoids rare usages of these words .
7 ‘ On Tuesday the call came not at lunchtime but early in the morning , about seven forty-five .
8 Tony Yates applied to the licensing committee to extend his music licence until 12.30am at Brannegans and 2.30am at Club Lucy .
9 Twice he had come second to Martin Potter , once at Lacanau and again at Biarritz .
10 This is a booklet providing information on all types of breaks , both at home and away from home .
11 Meanwhile , overtones of a moral crusade were maintained by the garden city movement , both at home and overseas in the form of the International Garden Cities and Town Planning Association .
12 All the generals , the admirals and the air force commanders , quite apart from the secret policemen from SAVAK — which is now a byword both at home and abroad for torture and repression -have everything to lose if he goes .
13 Yet it is fast becoming conventional wisdom about the liberal markets of America , Britain , Canada and Australia , both at home and abroad in their less financially liberal rivals , such as Germany , Japan and France .
14 Brownswerd was recommended to the Master 's post while Leigh was still in , office , and his appointment was confirmed on , 9th March 1565 ; he had taught already in Wilmslow and Macclesfield , and was to teach later at Stratford-on-Avon and again at Macclesfield , where he died on 15th April 1589 .
15 Children who behave well at school but badly at home may be responding to family tensions , or they may find it easier to accept discipline in the more formal atmosphere of a school .
16 He glared maliciously at Geoffrey and then at Colebrooke .
17 In September 1927 , Shearman 's work began from his home , initially at Willington and subsequently from Caldecote .
18 Only last week one of the ‘ free ’ newspapers which regularly infested his hallway had reported a spate of knife attacks by gangs who ‘ worked ’ the lines , preying on travellers late at night and early in the morning , robbing them of their valuables and occasionally , to relieve the monotony , stabbing them to death .
19 Stationary vehicles may cause considerable nuisance , through having doors slammed , sound-systems overamplified or starter-motors repeatedly engaged , especially when this happens late at night or early in the morning .
20 Constant checks should be made on the key rack , usually late at night or early in the morning , so that if any keys go astray the matter is investigated immediately .
21 Uncle Philip must have come back so late at night or early in the morning that only Aunt Margaret was still awake .
22 Player of the Year twice at Arsenal and again at West Ham after his £700,000 move .
23 Yet as we talked and ate , he looked mostly at Werewolf and then at his daughter and occasionally you could see him thinking that maybe he ought to change his Will .
24 You can adapt the menus for eating away from home , i.e. at work or even in a restaurant .
25 The GM looked stonily at Laing and then at the evidence fresh in from Riyadh .
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