Example sentences of "[adv] that there be [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm er it 's basically that there is no stated requirement at present from any of the four nations , for this aircraft to operate on ships er back in the early days of the programme when the the French were involved er we looked at the possibility of designing an aircraft er to provide the whole spectrum of capabilities from air defence er ground attack and also maritime operations off ships and er we we certainly experienced some difficulties in reconciling all those things in one design , which was adequately capable in each of the areas .
2 erm Now , there 's a very nice one , if you move down to the single stroke , you see there are two 2s written , and below that there 's a single stroke .
3 Er are we all agreed then we 'll put down that there 's a third
4 Bit of that that we do in year ten eleven can that be transferred down the line so that there 's a similar type of thing
5 Erm but it 's still , still reasonably clear and then we 've got this which is erm it 's all er constructed so that there 's a weighted score
6 Lilies have to push their way through thyme covering the soil of their pots , so that there 's a green covering even when the eye-catching bulbs have finished flowering .
7 erm So that there are a large number of tropical foresters now who 've been here and gone back to their own country , and one of the things which I point out to them these days is the need for public relations in their own countries , and getting information across to governments and being able to talk to economists and finance people in their own countries .
8 It has many advantages over the traditional ‘ Winchesters ’ with a lower centre of gravity and a carefully controlled flow of glass within the mould so that there are no weak spots or pressure-vulnerable areas .
9 Prepare and cook only the amount of food you 'll eat in a single serving so that there are no tempting left-overs .
10 Stitching is ‘ offset ’ so that there are no cold spots .
11 I am anxious that you should start work on this project as soon as possible , so that there are no last-minute delays , I should therefore be grateful if you could start on the first batch of frames , of which I give details below :
12 I think there should be a more stringent system of entry into the drama schools so that there is a higher standard of work achieved by the time they come to join the profession .
13 Fifthly , even if there are undisputed economies of scale so that there is a net increase in surplus , it can still be argued that there is a social opportunity loss .
14 In the Hawaiian , glass fibre tube battens stretch the sail across its chord , front to rear and in flight they form an angular camber so that there is a deep vee centre body , while the outer panels could be described as flat .
15 The felt layers should be lapped by at least 150mm ( 6in ) , the upper felt being placed over the lower felt so that there is a continuous fall towards the eaves gutter .
16 One of the worst things you can do is to invite a few friends round who then chat in the background so that there is a continuous hubbub .
17 Practical fusion needs a combination of high temperature — to hurl the nuclei together against their electrical repulsion — and/or pressure , so that there is a greater density of them and so the chances of bumping rather than missing are increased .
18 Colour them so that there is a different number of red sweets in each jar .
19 On the whole , an individual may expect to attend a sacrifice every one or two weeks , so that there is a constant circulation of meat throughout the community .
20 Adjust the line spacing so that there is a clear line space between the paragraphs
21 Often a seasonal factor intervenes , so that there is a banqueting season ( the winter months ) , a conference season ( the autumn months ) , an exhibition season ( the winter months ) and a sporting season ( the summer months ) .
22 This is apparent , for example , in the view that identifies determinism as the thesis that every event , together with some other event , is an instance of a natural law , so that there is a law-like connection holding between each event under some description or other , and another event .
23 Such filters should be kept running right through the winter , although the water circulation need not encompass the whole pool : in other words move your submersible pump closer to the filter so that there is a shorter ‘ loop ’ .
24 One obvious way to do this would be to charge high prices — so that there is a large difference between the cost price and the selling price .
25 Teachers ' salaries are relatively low compared with those for other professions requiring the same duration of training , so that there is no great incentive to become a teacher .
26 Loads should be divided equally before carrying them , so that there is no one-sided strain — and remember not to twist your back as you dump shopping on to a car seat .
27 Exercise teachers should try to counteract misuse of the body by encouraging class members to work in a balanced position with the right base support , so that there is no unnecessary muscle tension and the muscles can work more efficiently .
28 The legal model envisages the board of directors as actually carrying on the day-to-day business of the company so that there is no separate executive organ within the legal model .
29 The formula in ( 5.1 ) calculates the fair price on a coupon payment date , so that there is no accrued interest incorporated into the price .
30 In recent years it has been generally held that the backwash down the beach contributes to the breaking of the next wave , becomes involved in it and is returned with the swash , so that there is no continuous undertow transferring water out beyond the breaker zone .
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