Example sentences of "[adv] that she [vb mod] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She asked the shopkeeper 's name so that she would know to whom to send her servant .
2 It was a rhetorical question but Elisabeth was pleased to be distracted , given an opening , so that she might contribute to the conversation .
3 Later she mastered Braille , learned to type and later took lessons from a teacher for the deaf so that she could go to school , then college and later spent her life lecturing all over the world .
4 Erm to my self respect and I just I was determined that it was n't going to happen to my daughter , so in consequence I saw that working on the side to get to get the uniform so that she could go to school in a new uniform same as all the other kids as a necessity .
5 The president , Cory Aquino , confirmed weeks of rumour on March 21st when she said that the ban on Mrs Marcos would be lifted so that she could go on trial in Manila , but only when the government had decided what to charge her with .
6 The Cutty Sark was launched in 1869 and was built for speed so that she could compete with other clipper ships in the China tea trade .
7 Harriet drove her to the local hospital as soon as the pains started in mid-afternoon and , knowing how hazardous the road back in the dark could be at this time of the year , brought an overnight bag so that she could stay at a nearby hotel .
8 And although Gramps had left her enough money for just this purpose she 'd been hoping to live cheaply so that she could stay in Ireland for at least a month , see as much of the country as she could .
9 She had been reluctant to put it away , wishing she had no other commitments so that she could continue with the next chapter and looking forward to getting down to work again the following morning .
10 I undressed her in her South Kensington hotel room and fucked her , only retreating to the safety of the street outside when she asked me to stay the night so that she could pretend to be my mother .
11 Carla took her shoes off and loosed his arm so that she could walk through the lip of foam .
12 If you read her diaries you discover that she travelled incessantly on trains and overnight trains so that she could speak at meetings the next morning .
13 She then hesitated , waiting for him to leave the office so that she could speak to her father in private , but he made no move to do so .
14 He put the handbrake on and waited for her to slip her legs across the centre console , then he lifted himself up so that she could slide under him .
15 ‘ You 're happy , ’ she said softly , tilting back her head so that she could look into his face .
16 Léonie turned her head so that she could look at Baptiste .
17 Marc 's beautiful bronze limbs weighted her down , and she squirmed surreptitiously without waking him in order to change her position so that she could look at him properly .
18 She had resigned from her ambulance unit because her own mother was ill and had rented a house outside Glasgow so that she could look after her and still be near the port when their father 's ship came in .
19 She sat forward so that she could see into the Fiesta 's wing mirror .
20 And a chain there and we used to tie her to this chain so that she could get into the box and out again , and then we used to put the cubs there first in the straw and then we used to put her there do you see .
21 ‘ Oh , great , ’ she said , and she hitched up her dress so that she could get to her feet ; there was simply no elegant way of doing it .
22 Aunt Sarah would be curled up on the sofa , in guernsey and old jeans , having chased Robin and Jenny out so that she could phone in peace .
23 I am training her so that she can cook for royalty , ’ Auguste declared grandly .
24 A judge at Leeds has already granted an interim order so that she can stay with her foster parents .
25 Marielle is practising a fiddly Ravel note cluster , Katia is pouting at a portable telephone , hired so that she can keep in touch with their mother ( ‘ she is cardiac ’ ) .
26 The physiotherapist should be informed of the patient 's return to the ward so that she can assist with these activities .
27 Det Sgt Stimpson said : ‘ She searches him every time he comes home or goes out , and she keeps his bedroom bare of the usual toys and clutter so that she can see at a glance whether he has hidden any stolen property . ’
28 He must have known all along that she would run into this set-back .
29 The older girls drifted off into one of their exclusive conversations and Sally bit her lip against the rasp of Louise 's massager and wished desperately that she could go to the youth club dance too .
30 Marion decided finally that she 'd start with " Dearest Pete " and work up gradually to " Pete , my darling " because that seemed to her to be the most loving , the most tender , the most romantic : the one with the sound of real love echoing round the saying of it when it was spoken .
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