Example sentences of "[adv] that it [verb] [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Her iron hand was even harder on the pastry , and affected its colour as well so that it looked dark and oppressed .
2 The shade has a double skin so that it remains cool and the light is well diffused , thus reducing glare and shadows .
3 The small grass lawn at the front was overgrown , the wooden verandah running from the porch along the front of the house had several posts missing , and the catch on the outer porch door was broken , so that it swung open and shut with a groan and a bang in the ever freshening wind .
4 Another , and perhaps the worst aspect is that the wind has the habit of blowing debris into the net so that it becomes entangled and this too limits its catching ability .
5 And as if they knew it they sent another flare up into the sky , so that it glowed bright and cheerful as a street lamp above his path of retreat .
6 Correctly named Limnanthes douglasii , the seed is readily available and , when conditions suit , it seeds itself so readily that it becomes self-perpetuating and can even become invasive .
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