Example sentences of "[adv] that when [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She reached for her pen and dipped it into the well so fiercely that when she lifted it a blot fell across the page .
2 And oh , we loved the intimacy of having them so close , close enough that when I rode my bicycle for ‘ Committee ’ through the ‘ vomitarium ’ separating one wedge of audience from the next I was able to steady myself by grasping the leg of a gentleman who had stretched it over the side .
3 So that when one entered one would find the pictures talking to each other and you would enter and listen .
4 As far as Falstaff is concerned , leaving prose for verse is a true rite de passage for Hal , so that when we see him together with Poins in the sequel speaking prose without Falstaff present ( 2 Henry IV , II.ii. ) we realize that his metamorphosis is not yet complete .
5 So that when we galloped them they did n't know , see , mm , years ago they were very particular an another man did n't li , say I had horses and you had horses , I would n't like my horses galloping with yours .
6 The Waste lay on a high part of the forest so that when they reached it the sun , which had already sunk from sight in the valleys , was still poised above the dark low edge of the distant forest .
7 But greater than they is a sort of compulsion which comes on me , so that when I invent I scarcely know what I am inventing .
8 I overcame this problem quite easily in the end : I just gave her less for supper when she was off my hand , got her weight down , say , half an ounce , and built up her appetite , so that when I had her on my fist she 'd be hungry .
9 What did I start with there so that when I differentiated it I got X squared .
10 Okay so what did I have here so that when I differentiated I got X ?
11 So you see , that needs to go in there so that when it prints it out again , we come and ask you
12 My pair were purple and black , so that when it rained they dyed my socks , which did not impress my mother at all .
13 I think she wants to get something sorted so that when it comes it 's open for her .
14 She had forced him to live against the grain of his own nature which was weak and pleasure-loving and stubborn with it , so that when she beat him for laziness or lying , he became more determinedly idle and sullen .
15 She carefully left enough of her father 's original hair tonic in the bottle so that when she gave it a good shake the whole thing still looked reasonably purple .
16 So that when you introduce yourself , you are seen as a haulier , was the phrase you used , er , and we , we 'd all need to spend an awful lot of time and an awful lot of effort into raising ourselves above that image , I mean there 's nothing wrong with being a haulier , all I 'm saying is that we have to raise ourselves above that image .
17 they 've made it so as it , it do , you see I , I , I reckon you ought to open my let me make them in te in steel because er they made them like that so that when you pull them off or adjust them
18 Erm so really you tell me which jobs you 're gon na send reports out on , a and erm that you would like that particular field sorting out , and I will get Ken and Amanda and Kerry to er t to get something in there , so that when you pull it off erm you 're happy with it or we can then edit it .
19 Right , well remember where you 've left it then , so that when you want your drink you know where to look .
20 Okay all the different , any two , all the two numbers so that when you multiply them together they make three sixty .
21 erm at the same time , the bones on the side of the skull got sort of gradually disappeared , so that when you clench your jaws there 's got somewhere for the muscles out to bulge out to , supposing you 've got big muscles .
22 And their shared taste for rich cake with coffee late at night restored her faith in their friendship a little , so that when he asked her about her family 's plans for Christmas she was able to answer in a relaxed and natural way .
23 Robyn swallowed and took a deep breath , trying to compose herself so that when he returned she could say that it was all right , she felt fine now .
24 My father was always very distant with me — so that when he died I felt I hardly knew him .
25 ‘ Oh , use mine , ’ I said blithely — which , of course , he did , and put the property in his own name so that when he sold it out from under me there would be no legal come-back !
26 His mouth was warm and firm , hungry , moving against hers with complete command so that when he lifted his head and looked down at her with glittering eyes she was breathless .
27 But beneath it she understood , accepted , found it far easier to hate him , when he fought her back to the bed , than to ignore him ; the bitings and scratchings of anger coming near enough to passion so that when he entered her again she found it possible , in her loathing , her detestation , her bitter resentment , to wrap her own strong , hard limbs about him in a grip designed to wound and crush him but which could also excite .
28 She was desperate for more of him ; her body ached for fulfilment , for the feel of his need and strength inside — so that when he entered her , when she felt that first wondrous thrust , which brought both pleasure and pain , it was as she 'd always dreamed , and as his urgent rhythm continued , bringing them both to that glorious peak of exhilaration , Robyn cried out his name , held him close to her for a moment and wished things could be like this forever .
29 He turned his head so that when he opened his eyes he could be facing into the clearing .
30 Cold , and terrified of growing colder , so that when he opened his arms and put them around her , his musk-scented cloak coming with them , ample enough to cover them both , all she felt was the salvation of his warmth , his hard , hot body supporting her as she shook and shivered against him , that blessed , beautiful fur enclosing her as in a nest , muffling her from the killing storm .
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