Example sentences of "[adv] that [pron] can [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Slowly , so that we can watch her face .
2 And I want to maintain a level of efficiency in everything we do so that we can hold our heads high in the sure and certain knowledge that we are as good as anyone — and better than most — at what we do .
3 And during this time I am on the monitor studying the whole thing so that we can make our plans and adjustments for our filming with the real orchestra .
4 Science exists so that we can improve our understanding of naturally occurring phenomena .
5 Er for us to identify current problems and improvement opportunities , so that we can deliver our product and services .
6 The categories in each case are artificial and social rather than self-evident , but they are necessary so that we can conduct our affairs in an orderly manner .
7 We need bold headline posters in colour to identify what sections they represent so that we can give our members activist up to date information in advance of other comp competition and other unions .
8 Do you want to show a a raising of hands so that we can assure your agreement .
9 It is not a rhetorical question when I ask — should we really let our people starve so that we can pay our debts ’
10 Put more bluntly , the Big Six in the US appear to be putting a pistol to the public 's head and saying : if you want continuation of the audit services we provide , then change the legal system so that we can maximise our economic return on our investment on auditing .
11 I see Inspector Rose again , and then perhaps he will have news for us so that we can resume our holiday , ’ Auguste said optimistically .
12 When someone intrudes into that space , our natural reaction is to move back , unless they are a lover or an attacker , so that we can keep our private area intact .
13 It 's just er a small section of foot of a footnote which gives an account of the history of the clause in er of the section in the er Police Act of nineteen sixty four with which we are dealing and of course Your Lordships will be well aware that we moved on from Section er from the Sections of the Police Act , we 're not dealing with them at all , we 're dealing with what has happened to those Clauses since and I thought perhaps Your Lordship might Your Lordships might be interested in the sort of guidance which is made available th so , so fortunately to us and so that we can have our minds very clearly focused upon the issues .
14 Our task is to understand our Ego , so that we can recognise its ranting and raving .
15 ‘ Friends , ’ he was saying , ‘ I 've ordered brandy to be served to you all , so that we can celebrate my wedding properly . ’
16 Jim Birrell , chief executive of the Halifax said : ‘ The availability of extra Housing Corporation Funds is welcome and we will be happy to talk to housing corporations about extra finance so that they can spread their £750 million over as many houses as possible .
17 Such a libretto can then be handed to a composer or arranger of music and a designer so that they can make their contributions to the total production .
18 This is important to individual sites so that they can make their own assessment of the value to them of adopting what has been identified as best practice elsewhere .
19 Erm we 've er we you 'll be looking at education , our biggest service , and a service which we should which is going through some very profound changes at the moment where we 're trying to er increase the resources that are within individual schools so that they can make their own decisions erm about er how they best meet the needs of their youngsters .
20 Production landlords should be given an equal share so that they can make their living by their own labour and thus reform themselves through labour .
21 They derive their power from being taken for granted , so that they can do their destructive work without themselves being checked for validity or reality .
22 I 'm still thinking about B S 5750 where we have to make sure that not only we know what training we have given people , that we also continue to give them , future appropriate training so that they can do their jobs , and so compliance by B S 5750 is not just trapping history it is also making sensible plans about the present and the future .
23 Therapists should also be flexible so that they can modify their therapeutic approach according to patients ' needs .
24 and they was gon na take a bigger risk , in keeping them in power so that they can achieve their longer term ends .
25 But he wants doctors to learn more rigorously how to assess the effects of their treatment , borrowing , for example , a scheme from Harvard in which qualified doctors receive full training in research methods and statistics so that they can evaluate their work .
26 A crucial part of the change is a personal development plan which is being put together for every individual , so that they can grow their skills and knowledge gaining extra reward and externally recognised National Vocational Qualifications .
27 They appeal for her to contact the hospital staff on a special telephone number so that they can offer her help and support .
28 In this , as in so many matters involving the practitioner in the pain of elders , attention must be given to supporting practitioners so that they can confront their own feelings , fears and anxieties about old age and those whom they seek to help .
29 We maximise sponsor benefits in all media so that they can get their name all over the country .
30 You expend energy speeding millions of protons so that they can resist their mutual repulsion , but only a handful actually collide and fuse giving energy back .
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