Example sentences of "[adv] with [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sarah was seized suddenly with rage at Philip for dying , for leaving her behind in the world .
2 These will be discussed only with reference to pavements of the main sample .
3 Towns and cities vary , not only with respect to resources like housing but , more generally , with respect to the number and variety of jobs that are available , and to a wide range of educational , cultural and scenic facilities .
4 The soil should be kept moist , but never saturated , by sprinkling it gently with water from time to time .
5 He stated that , ‘ it was not well for a Government succeeding to power to reverse without very good reasons the decisions of their predecessors , especially with respect to matters of art and the construction of public buildings ’ .
6 The old cheese presses which had lain dusty in the stable loft were brought down with difficulty on account of their immense weight and set up on the flagged floor .
7 Gabriel turned and looked straight into Lucie 's green-stained face glistening with grease ; a leather forked tongue was clenched between his teeth , and his black hair was slicked down with water in front of the green knitted hood .
8 As the Children Act waits , poised for implementation , it remains to speculate on how significant and successful it is likely to be : and it is tempting to do so with benefit of hindsight in the context of all the discarded child care legislation of the past forty years .
9 Such subtleties as happiness and misery are contributed by me , along with satisfaction at increase of cuckoo-pint and survival of woodpeckers .
10 There 's the 950 year old Imperial Castle to inspect along with street after street of colourful shops , cafés and restaurants .
11 Proof of disqualification may be certificate of conviction or extract from the magistrates ' court register together with proof of identification of the defendant , e.g. by the police officer who was present in court when the defendant was disqualified .
12 The performance of these systems indicated that poor acoustic quality together with lack of top down constraint could cause the graph to grow rapidly , to be very ‘ wide ’ from the beginning of the utterance .
13 Unfortunately silting has reduced the depth of some broads , and this , coupled with increased nutrient levels from sewerage outfall , together with run-off of fertilisers from surrounding farmland , has reduced the aquatic life .
14 The melt regimes under ridges and hotspots are usually modelled as regions that are zoned laterally and vertically with respect to degree of partial melting .
15 In practice , it is more difficult , because the effectiveness of advertisements falls off with frequency of exposure in a particular paper , so you have to be very careful that you are comparing like with like .
16 Ansah was carried off with concussion at Luton on Saturday , but had a precautionary brain scan and reported fit this morning .
17 Thieves made off with property worth £5,760 from a Scarborough flat .
18 Does the Minister accept that patients , irrespective of age group , should not have to undergo prolonged suffering , being fobbed off with medication from time to time when cardiac surgery is necessary ?
19 The congresses of 1814 – 21 are the most obvious example of this ; but Napoleon III negotiated directly with Cavour at Plombières in 1858 and with Bismarck at Biarritz in 1865 , while the peace preliminaries of 1871 were settled face-to-face between Bismarck and Thiers and the first Dreikaiserbund alliance of 1872 – 73 took shape from personal meetings between the rulers of Germany , Austria-Hungary and Russia .
20 Let's go to see you tomorrow Other languages have PrOnominal systems much richer than the English one : in Japanese , pronouns are distinguished also with respect to sex of speaker , social status of referent and degree of intimacy with referent , so , for example , the second person pronoun kimi can be glossed " you , addressed by this intimate male speaker " ( Uyeno , 1971 : 16-17 ; Harada , 1976 : 511 ) ; and village Tamil has up to six singular second person pronouns according to degree of relative rank between speaker and addressee ( Brown & Levinson , 1978 : 3206 ) .
21 The channel was now only ten , perhaps twelve feet deep and fifteen feet wide : since it had fallen into disuse as a waterway it had , over the years , become silted up with layer upon layer of sludge .
22 The tumour had recurred and he had four previous operations , ending up with anastomosis of duodenum to mid-transverse colon .
23 The BBC kept up with demand for Pole to Pole .
24 British officials understand China 's concern at Mr Patten 's plans — but he has to come up with arrangement for elections in 1995 and although the colony 's business community is cool towards them there are growing demands for democracy .
25 The studies are being carried out with reference to explanations for criminal acts and educational outcomes and are being explored in an inter-group context .
26 One of his greatest knocks was the 143 at Port-of-Spain in 1968 — this after he had reached breaking-point in 1966 , only to come back with century after century in the 1967 Tests — but he still found touring the Caribbean a fairly distasteful affair , as revealed in his letter to his wife : ‘ We 're being taken for the biggest ride … the umpiring , the crowd and Charlie … it is downright cheating …
27 It was confirmed , furthermore , by the failure to advance far with détente with Russia in 1955 .
28 We are doing well with dog-fighting in spite of its illegality , and we are making progress with a few speculative lines such as cave diving , simulated extreme skiing and Russian roulette .
29 Where mucosal protection has been shown it does not correlate well with potency of inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase and could be due to another property such as oxygen radical scavenging .
30 These are the most important differences but there are others particularly with respect to liability on contracts .
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