Example sentences of "[adv] have [been] [vb pp] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The concluding Fugue , for example , exhibits a clarity and lightness of texture which once again serves to negate the label of prolixity which for too long has been attached to Reger .
2 ENOUGH has been said about George Harrison and the Natural Law Party .
3 His version of You 'll never Walk alone has been immortlaised at Liverpool Football Club and raised hundreds of thousands after the Bradford fire .
4 A CLAIM by Borders Area of the National Farmers ' Union of Scotland that Government cuts in hill ewe subsidy would take £120,000 out of the local economy in three valleys alone has been criticised by Sir Hector Monro , Scottish minister of agriculture .
5 A particularly incisive and economical analysis of the reasons for doing so has been provided by Strawson , and his argument , though by no means the only one of its kind , presents an exceptionally strong case .
6 Black Fury could only have been made at Warner Bros , a studio which had firmly aligned with Roosevelt and the New Deal and which quite clearly believed that there was a market for films which dealt with topical issues and in particular with matters of social justice .
7 When pressure was eventually put on L.E.A.s in the 1950s to take over employment of the various county organisers whose salaries hitherto had been paid from Carnegie Trust funds , most authorities did so on condition that the organisers ' work should be extended to schools .
8 A Neopolitan nobleman , Federico Grisone , studied Xenophon 's books concerning horses ; and as a result of this he not only opened a riding academy where young noblemen , including the sons of many European kings and princes , were tutored in the arts of handling horses and courtly behaviour ; but he also published , in 1550 , his book Ordini di Cavalcare , of which much had been copied from Xenophon 's works .
9 All this could not have been achieved without Macintosh computers , but again , they were only the means to an end .
10 Mr Hurd 's speech this week in Luxembourg , which called for the European Council ( as summits are known ) to have strong links with a reinforced WEU , would not have been made in Mrs Thatcher 's day .
11 Had the King simply accepted MacDonald 's resignation , either there would have been no National Government , or , if there had been , it would not have been led by MacDonald .
12 ‘ Make of it what you want , Clerk , she should not have been sent to Godstowe ! ’
13 This prediction , too , was supported but the pattern of results shown by right handers ( non-inverters ) was closer to that of left inverters than to that shown by left non-inverters , which would not have been expected on Levy and Reid 's hypothesis .
14 While this language might not have been chosen under Kennedy , the advisers of the new president , Lyndon Johnson , went on to cite specific grievances against Britain which would have arisen under any president .
15 There is , to my mind , no doubt that Mr Bloch and his locksmith would not have been permitted by Mr Clayton to interfere with the existing lock if Mr Clayton had been told that that act was intended in any way to interfere with his rights under his existing sub-lease .
16 It seems a justifiable inference , too , that , even more than had been the case in 1939 , a sizeable proportion of the population would not have been saddened by Hitler 's assassination , and viewed his survival as a hindrance to the ending of the war .
17 In fact , the three greatest masterpieces in the collection could not have been sold outside Germany in any case , being on its list of national treasures : the quarto thirteenth-century Hildesheim Psalter ; the Sacramentary in uncials ; and the Nibelungen manuscript ‘ C ’ .
18 Secondly we utilised available A C T capacity in the group to obtain an early recovery of eleven and a half million of A C T and this would not normally have been recovered until January nineteen ninety five .
19 Students of form will already have been alerted to Lacotte 's potential following an eyecatching second to Lord President on the July Course last summer .
20 Both pieces of legislation should already have been incorporated into UK law , although neither applies until 1 January 1993 .
21 Labour 's Shadow Chancellor , Gordon Brown , hit back : ‘ This speech could easily have been delivered by Norman Lamont .
22 Labour 's Shadow Chancellor , Gordon Brown , hit back : ‘ This speech could easily have been delivered by Norman Lamont .
23 He said that he was " wounded " by not having been consulted by Shevardnadze beforehand , and declared that " to go now is unforgivable " .
24 It all however came to nothing as the entertainments and payments were proved not to have been made by Dixon but by his father , the Provost of Dumbarton .
25 This is the only picture among the 50 most expensive not to have been auctioned by Christie 's or Sotheby 's in London or New York ( with a single Sotheby 's exception in Monaco ) .
26 Anxiety management treatment packages delivered through a group format rather than individually have been described by Eayrs et al .
27 In practice considerably more has been attempted in Francistown including suggestions for production of localised materials and in some cases their actual design and issue .
28 Vaillancourt , a Canadian now living in California , had nothing to lose by his all-out effort , but would still have been beaten by George Lindemann if Larry , one of his two World Cup horses , had not hit the last fence .
29 The Thalidomide drug may once have been described as God 's gift to expectant mothers .
30 Drake , on the other hand , the piratical darling of Good Queen Bess , returned from a transglobal raiding adventure with a holdful of Indonesian spices , and paraded through the streets with his crew bedecked in the captured finery of the most astounding oriental silks and damasks ever to have been seen in England .
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