Example sentences of "[adv] have [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The most famous face of all has slipped in during the seemingly inexorable rise in predicted numbers of Conservative seats .
2 The body shell had been crushed in and anybody in there could only have come out through the windscreen .
3 He would have liked to give more information , ask someone to research the final days of the tsar ; but he knew that would only have got back to the KGB , and in this game secrecy was the only key he held .
4 ‘ Why should he suddenly have materialized out of the blue ? ’
5 Would Mr Lawson then have resisted the temptation to trundle round his Cabinet colleagues , showing off his muscles and boasting that he alone had faced up to the Iron Lady and won ?
6 SOCIAL ‘ Sociologists apparently have come round to the belief that 50 per cent of middle-class parents who send their children to private schools would be happy to put them in the state system if dinner money was renamed lunch money . ’
7 That way true supporters would have got the vouchers and would not have lost out in the draw . ’
8 If she had not met the man at that particular moment , she would not have gone out to the highway and she would not have met Flynn .
9 They would not have pressed on with the kind of arguments they actually did use , probing the statute , obsessed with the question whether one decision was more consistent with its text , or spirit , or the right relation between it and the rest of law .
10 On 11 November 1918 bells and cheers rang out all over France on Armistice morning , and Modigliani can not have missed out on the celebrations .
11 I could not have looked out of the window if I had tried , the chores were all done , and there was nothing whatever to do except sit at that table and write .
12 Had the Wessex novels been written earlier , when places off the beaten track were inaccessible , or nearer our own time , when we have become sated with effortless mobility , ‘ Wessex ’ might not have caught on in the way that it did .
13 They would not have come up with the rest of the cash for at least another year .
14 The change in rebates would not have come about without the Conservative Government .
15 The Fontainebleau abatement would not have come about without the Conservative Government .
16 Does my right hon. Friend agree that that huge increase in real income clearly demonstrates the overall success of Conservative policies and would not have come about without the tax cuts that all families have experienced ?
17 For another , the ‘ war party ’ may already have taken over within the Vietminh : at least when Sainteny , attempting his last act of mediation , saw Ho for the last time before the war started , he complained about the moderate elements who had been eliminated from the government to the benefit of the notorious Francophobes ; and as the war was on the point of beginning , and as attacks on French soldiers and civilians had not ceased , nor had French retaliation , Sainteny 's exasperation was to be seen in his demand that culprits should be punished within 24 hours .
18 The root of the East German church 's involvement lies in the agonising sense of guilt and self-accusation among many clergy during and after the Second World War for not having spoken out against the Nazis in time .
19 for their part , the British did not see the Canadian proposal as much of a compromise , and indeed seemed already to have given up on the conference .
20 Well , all the types listed above have come out of the Soviet Union recently .
21 If it had not been for an alliance of Dr Newman , consultant ecologist Doug Cross and Walter Roberts — three local residents who formed the Camelford Scientific Advisory Panel and conducted their own investigations — and for John Lewis , who lost his job , it is doubtful whether very much would ever have come out about the incident .
22 The competitive weakness of the British economy was truly overdetermined : even if the financial institutions had been more disposed towards promoting industrial investment , even if managements had been more competent and imaginative , the restructuring of industry would still have run up against the formidable defensive conservatism of the organised working class .
23 They are cared for by the shepherds , who would once have come up for the summer along with the animals , and slept in their traditional , bleak little cabins ; nowadays , they are for the most part motorized and can commute genteelly to the livestock from their homes below .
24 So claiming that had this relationship continued Hilary would probably have ended up as the wife of a petrol pump attender rather than the wife of the President of the United States .
25 Otherwise whoever it was would probably have come in from the corridor .
26 Sponge-fishing may also have gone on from the ports , though there is no direct evidence of it .
27 As you will see in the following chapters , a British Open-winning caddie will not only have his yardages at his fingertips , but will also have gone out at the crack of dawn measuring up again before each round after studying where all the pin positions are .
28 They may also have missed out on the crucial period of sociability , relatively early in life , when dogs learn about their wider environment .
29 So Batty really has gone up in the world — from 4–3 against the ( old , great ) Liverpool at Elland Road two years ago to a 4–3 thriller against a club ninth in the fourth division .
30 We had agreed at the start of this thing that pressing the Harwich local council for housing would probably be more trouble than it was worth : if one of their inspectors had decided to check my circumstances with the port authorities , the customs people would inevitably have found out about the way in which I had been using their cupboard ( and would have had a pink fit , probably ) .
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