Example sentences of "[adv] have [vb pp] [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He has been on the Opposition Front Bench for long enough to have seen and understood the redevelopment work that is currently being undertaken in Londonderry and which is being carried out in the county towns throughout the length and breadth of Northern Ireland .
2 When I had been in the attic long enough to have tidied and cleaned the cupboards , and put a shine on the ancient chest of drawers and wardrobe , I settled to knit Jean-Claude sweaters and socks .
3 A cooler customer , it is suggested , would somehow have sought and found a diplomatic solution .
4 If your back gives you trouble , you may already have decided that finding a cure is as elusive as the Holy Grail , and that learning how to prevent back pain , and cope with it when it is unavoidable is the best way of living with it .
5 Nobody could ever have thought that joining a cricket club was like opening a Sunday paper colour supplement .
6 Up to 50 per cent of people with heart disease or cancer could probably have prevented or delayed the onset of their illness if they had eaten a better diet or stopped smoking .
7 I would rather have died than let the Parsons see where I lived .
8 When they eventually got to Paris , they found that they might just as well have stopped and had a meal in Hanover .
9 He may even have considered that to establish the superiority of the Copernican over the Tychonic system would be to reaffirm the superiority of Catholic over Protestant science .
10 The glum and the cheery would at least have agreed that getting the best artist for one 's pictures was crucial , and some rows , as for instance between Albert Gunther and Francis Day , were over attempts to commandeer an artist .
11 The driver claimed Balfour 's felt able to complete the contract because they were satisfied no one else had seen or copied the blueprint .
12 A series of important enactments more recently has confirmed and strengthened the position of auditors .
13 Grace commented , ‘ Robbie is a lovely dog and I could n't give him up now , but I would never have dreamt that rescuing a dog could cause me to lose my home .
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