Example sentences of "[adv] have [verb] [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 This can only have come about by a high level decision on the military products and supplies .
2 She was neither rich enough nor impressionable enough to have walked out on a well-paid job simply in order to indulge a vapourish mood .
3 So if we only had started off with a half of it
4 but we obviously have to cut off at a certain time to er get the accounts and audited in time .
5 This can be so even where you have not had to shop around for a more favourable report .
6 Even if this is difficult to provide , candidates should not have to wait around in a very public area .
7 It is too late for British Telecom to return to its old ways if only because the public now knows that it does not have to put up with a telephone system built for the 1950s .
8 To heighten concern about the Convention , Broken Promise could not have come out at a better time .
9 But he could not have come back at a more opportune time as far as Selkirk are concerned .
10 The ankle muscles were holding the foot in an almost normal position — oblivious to the fact that the joints had nothing to rest on , that this was a classic case of a boy who would normally have ended up with a club foot .
11 He would just have to play along for a while and wait for an opportunity .
12 The issue of homelessness is at the heart of the movie but Lane manages to integrate it within a storyline which could quite easily have walked out of a Charlie Chaplin film of 70 years ago .
13 After 1714 the balance shifted to a point where the King and the Commons had something like mutual vetoes : the King chose the ministers and could normally be sure of not having to put up with a minister he disliked , but the Commons could reject a minister they disliked by refusing to vote for the taxes he proposed , thus pushing the King into dismissing him .
14 Given that the evening was meant to be so special , so significant , they could hardly have got off to a worse start , but Jessica refused to compromise .
15 At such moments he knew that he loved Frances , and he could feel the seductions of a conventional marriage , of meals such as this happening every Sunday , of knowing each other 's daily news , not always having to catch up on a few months ' worth of events .
16 He would probably have gone on to a ripe old age . ’
17 Lydia , picturing Hywel 's dark eyes , thought that he 'd probably have put up with a great deal rather than have strangers in his house .
18 ‘ You 'd both have got on like a house on fire .
19 Now yes this is very very welcome indeed , but I do see it Mr Chairman in the experience of the past and that really with the hard work that you both have put in as a piece of paper it is now in the computer as far as I can see and I think there is a term now within agriculture and I will give you an example of this and I think it now , it may apply I think to our road system particular particularly in the north , north Suffolk , yeah I think the term is set-aside , and I hope that some time central government will acknowledge that within this eastern region certainly the Lowestoft area and Waking area we have very great problems , because these pieces of jigsaw do not come into the full picture , they 're put in place now and then and later and in apparent it is giving us a very great problem certainly within the last
20 The club , by now had spilled out into a sort of annexe conservatory at the back of the room and by the time the summer arrived , people were spilling out into the garden and , in fact , used to come into the club by this route illegally .
21 However , BIG BEAT , 9-2 with Hills and Ladbrokes , could well have crept in on a very lenient mark .
22 Oddly enough , Stirling might well have ended up as a brigadier with an even larger command .
23 But it could equally well have started out in a very lumpy and disordered state .
24 That bias towards comfort has meant compromises as far as sporting handling is concerned ; so you do n't have to put up with a jittery ride over poorly made up roads .
25 So now you do n't have to put up with a two-star performance from ordinary mercury-free batteries , when there is now a new four star alternative .
26 The way the ground just curled up at the edges until you lost sight of it , we could n't have crept up on a hunk of soya . ’
27 Immigrant doctors in Britain may silently have put up with a lot of it in the past , but those born and educated in Britain have every right to expect that they will be judged strictly on merit .
28 well drove out and turned , her bumper caught Mick 's wing and right up against the wheel so imagine to pull it out to drive it and the driver said oh wo n't claim on the insurance she said , erm , I 'll pay it , get three estimates and let me have them and Mick said it 's gon na be about three hundred quid , well if it had gone through the insurance he could then have put in for a hire car
29 Dosh — I was pretty sure it was Dosh — and I danced some and she finished off the Kümmel , which meant we then had to sit down for a while near the window , where some scatter cushions had been laid .
30 Bourgeois , even liberal , France , would never have given up without a fight .
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