Example sentences of "[adv] in [det] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Conservatives did not do as badly in the South East as elsewhere ( average swing to Labour , 4.7% ) , whereas Labour performed much better in another traditional area of weakness , the South West , with the Conservative vote dropping substantially in Bristol ( -6.7% ) , Exeter ( -8.8% ) , Penwith ( -11.6% ) , and Torbay ( -17.4% ) .
2 Especially in this great age of universal education .
3 I let myself unwind at last — how good it feels to be back in the field , especially in this cinnamon-scented corner of the mortal sphere .
4 Thus the average number recorded annually in each five-year period since 1947 was :
5 In any learning situation the teacher-pupil relationship can be a vulnerable and intense one , with some of the dependence of the mother-child interaction until the pupil is mature enough in that particular field of study to stand alone and make his or her own judgements .
6 Her heart was racing with horror and excitement at the prospect of being marooned all alone in this little boat with him .
7 So in this merry mood of self flagellation I shall tell you the story of one monumental cock-up that taught me two very important lessons .
8 The point to make is that light can be thrown on the role of judicial control of government activity by looking at how it operates in relation to particular areas of government activity , and although I will not attempt to do so in any systematic way in this book , the reader would do well to bear this approach in mind .
9 So in any one point in time the movement is going to depend on identifying exactly where you are at the moment in terms of any of the cycles and where it is you want to get to in relation to , to a particular situation facing you .
10 mm yes get us at a much more er er effective role in reducing tariffs on manufactured goods than it has on agricultural goods and it 's only in this last round of G A T T talks , the Uruguay round that agriculture has been brought into the frame alright .
11 Theseus 's ship , Aeolus , and the abandoned Ariadne — these too are absent , or at least they are present only in some later wish for an imaginative reconstruction ,
12 Its entrepreneurs ranged the globe and with them went the cadre of ( mostly British and Irish ) foremen , skilled workers and elite labour ; sometimes settling down in some foreign country for good , their children becoming the Anglo-Argentines of the next generation , sometimes moving from country to country like the much less numerous oilmen of our days .
13 ( b ) They are not written down in any formal sense in that they are not expressed as Acts of Parliament nor are they established by judicial precedent .
14 Here is a pretty device to decorate a banner withal , and who knows but that the bunting may yet cast its shadow upon the representative body of shellbacks lurching along in some typical procession of industry .
15 If he did not , then perhaps the whole action could stop — freeze — with him and his friends all captive together in this little Garden of Eden where there was no evil and only endless , unchanging cheerfulness .
16 I am also so excited , so appalled , so outside myself that I can look down at myself , so peculiarly detached , and yet also so vividly held stickily intact within myself that nothing makes sense and the moments do not join together in any comprehensible scale of time .
17 I want them to live together in some ordinary kind of house so that I can come and say , how can you expect me to live here !
18 They lay , joined , for a long time , their breath coming in rapid gasps , their sweat filming their skin with sensuality , their eyes locked together in some unbelievable acknowledgment of each other .
19 Furthermore , the detectives are no longer in that basic symbol of police identity — the uniform .
20 Books and packed lunch , swimming gear or overnight kit — children can stash it all away in this snazzy backpack from Rowntree 's Jelly .
21 A detailed study of 9 communes in the Monts Domes area of the Puy-de-Dome department ( all LFA ) showed that the utilised agricultural land increased from 9,369 hectares it , 1970 to 10 , 169 hectares in 1980 ( an 8% rise ) , probably for the same reasons given above in this mountainous part of the Auvergne .
22 The lights came up and we were not in that magic world beyond the screen but back in the familiar tawdry surroundings of Sneinton , Notts .
23 Not in any great sense of condemnation , but quite clearly the scriptural teaching is that the one safe situation is to have one partner , within the Christian view of marriage . ’
24 Kafka 's gift to posterity lay not in any facile adumbration of the Nazi concentration camps , but in his ability to articulate terrors which we all have lurking in the recesses of our minds .
25 I think ( actor 's voice ) people who are not in this great business of ours think the idea of electronic messages flying around is really odd and they may get freaked if some of what is said is a bit inflammatory- maybe more so than if they saw it printed .
26 It did n't matter how innovative the products I set out to market actually were , I could not prevent myself from seeing them already in some illimitable bazaar of the far future , long obsolete and hopelessly dated , so much cosmological car-boot-sale fodder .
27 Only the day before , those noble , horned beasts had been filing unsuspectingly through the long grass of the plain , intending to wallow harmlessly in some cool place through the heat of the day .
28 Finally in this short resumé of the teachers ' predicament , we should mention the more personal factors to which we shall return later in the book : their aspirations , ambitions , values and concerns .
29 An extensive treatment of this issue is not the concern of this book , and it is assumed that the reader has already made a study of it elsewhere , usually in some introductory study of economics .
30 HOW many of you have stood in front of a skeleton , usually in some quiet corner of a school or institution and thought to yourself , who was he or she ? and then some bright spark walks past and informs you that ‘ Oh yes , that 's a female skeleton ’ !
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