Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 sort this out sensibly , the police overreact , they arrest him at midnight in the clothes he stands up in , they take him down to the police station , he 's held in the police station for about thirty six hours or so , something like that , er instead of being brought before the court straight away and released on bail straight away , they , they keep him in custody where he 's never been before , er and Madam he 's then released on bail but court imposes silly conditions on him , conditions that he should n't go back to his home address , he ca n't go and see his girlfriend , he ca n't go and see his children , er , and Madam it seems to be an abuse of the process really of the court to behave in this way .
2 He promoted county petitions supporting the vote of no addresses and the trial of Charles I. But although named to the high court of justice in January 1649 , he stayed away and returned to Parliament only after the king 's execution .
3 Pricing arrangements are set to be finalised in New York tonight and announced in London tomorrow morning .
4 The whole application can be developed locally and split into client/server afterwards .
5 They had been arrested yesterday and held in custody overnight .
6 But if you had n't said it , Rachel … those barriers would have slammed back up and locked into place again . ’
7 What we are endeavouring to and the company has not as yet went out and dispersed of apprentices willy-nilly .
8 She knew that in spite of his words Felipe would want to inspect the adventurous horse closely , and she was n't going to hang about and burst into tears again .
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