Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Havel , who has a genius for pinpointing the absurd , smiled gently and sipped at some mineral water .
2 I went in and looked with some surprise at a pan of sausages balanced on the coals .
3 Then jealousy and anxiety moved in and squatted like diseased vagrants .
4 I broke down and cried for fifteen minutes .
5 The birds flew up noisily , circled , and then they came down and settled in another tree not far away .
6 At a time when rock fans expected country folk to be psychotic rednecks ready to gun down anyone with hair over their ears — pace Easy Rider — Cash came along and fought for Indian rights , recorded with Bob Dylan , and received death threats from the Ku Klux Klan .
7 Our teachers cycled to school and as soon as they were seen coming up the road , children walked along and behaved like little angels — if not , they would be in trouble as soon as they got into school .
8 Lynch made amends before long and equalised from close range , but that was all the reward Southwood were to see for their efforts .
9 The two girls sometimes exercised the horses together and seemed on amiable terms .
10 THE Prince and Princess of Wales went to lunch together yesterday , but arrived separately and sat at different tables .
11 And then abruptly he looked away and said with neutral politeness , ‘ Would you like something else — some dessert perhaps ?
12 Ranulf took up the argument as Corbett looked away and thought of old Dame Martha drowning in her bath-water .
13 Young later told Unigram that ‘ technology marches on , and the kernel has become a do n't care issue , gone away and moved to higher layers ’ .
14 After they had eaten and sunbathed a little , they cleared everything away and moved to another hedge to pick more berries .
15 The snow was beginning to turn to rain next morning and , although the ground was white right to the shores , we all went ashore and walked for several hours .
16 Hopelessly she walked outside and stood in bright sunlight wondering what to do ; a few thoughtful seconds later she knew .
17 Rose , exhausted with running , slackened her pace a little and took in long gulps of air .
18 From her student days Pavlova was fired by stories of her legendary predecessor Marie Taglioni , who had travelled widely and appeared to great acclaim in St Petersburg during the 1837–9 seasons .
19 She chewed , oh , so delicately and reached towards another dish .
20 But he did not admit defeat to the extent of turning the television off ; he simply left it on and went into another room .
21 ( 4 ) A solicitor 's employee who would not otherwise qualify under sub-paragraph ( 1 ) ( b ) of this rule to manage an office and who was 50 years of age or more on and had at that date been continuously employed in connection with the practice of that solicitor for not less than 20 years shall , provided he or she exercised the duty of management at that date , be entitled to continue to do so until retiring or attaining the age of 70 years , whichever first happens .
22 As we rode on and emerged into open country a mist was hanging some feet above the ground , as if suspended by a conjuror .
23 Huge amounts of information can now be compressed digitally and sent in both directions along television cables .
24 After several minutes had passed without her finding a familiar landmark , Luce realised she must have gone wrong somewhere and tried to double back .
25 Single stranded DNAs from these phagemids were subjected to primer extension with radioactive M13 universal and reverse primers respectively and cleaved with I- Sce III .
26 These sudden rages , which he attributed to his head wound but which may have been connected with the suppression of inherited melancholy , always passed quickly and disappeared in late life .
27 Clarissa closed hers quickly and scrambled into some clothes .
28 In contrast , patient E22 , who was awaiting lung transplantation , deteriorated rapidly and died within 6 weeks of colonisation .
29 He sat very still and spoke with quiet ferocity .
30 He was booted off and landed on some fencing , causing great damage to his testicular region .
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