Example sentences of "[adv] and [adv] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Sure enough , it was just as the second , regurgitated blade appeared , dangling on a length of thread from Jim Rose 's mouth , that Richard had collided suddenly and rather violently with the floor of Strathclyde University Union 's level eight hall .
2 The poignant shaking of the hands above upraised heads followed by the pressing downwards , outwards and then backwards of the arms make an overwhelming plea for pity in MacMillan 's Requiem .
3 To continue the metaphor , the hospital consultants , already heavily unionised through the Royal Colleges , bargained more cohesively and thus successfully with the Minister .
4 We breed them for the course , especially and also now for the sport . ’
5 Again and again he seems to be in and yet dubiously of the party .
6 Later , down Atlantis at the Sub Club , keyboard star Mr Monday walks in and straight up to the Slam boys Orde and Stuart at the DJ console .
7 In one of heavyweight boxing 's most distinguished nights , Bowe had to tear the crown from a champion who refused to accept the inevitability of defeat even when he was knocked down and seemingly out in the 11th round of a brilliant fight .
8 I forget what it was that distracted me for a moment , but as I delayed , the water bounced the boat up and down and then straight against the quay , with my finger in between .
9 ‘ For Farr , ’ said Lustgarten , ‘ as he laughed and joked with his old friend in the front room of their Wimbledon home , was already planning exactly where his carving knife would skirt the edge of the poisoned breast meat , digging deeper and deeper away from the tainted flesh , so that neither he nor Templeton would suffer .
10 Well , she 's been having an affair with this bloke for the last year or so and then out of the blue he turned round and …
11 Wait patiently and long enough at the start and the end of the day at different villus and you will see or hear most of Sri Lanka 's wildlife .
12 However th th the fit of that training work for ministers and others within the church has sat less and less easily with the Board 's commission to advise the church , and that 's our social interests commission , to advise the church erm on matters of social , ethical or moral importance within its remit .
13 You do n't need to pump up the revs to get it to move swiftly and smoothly up through the gears , and it is n't a noisy performer by any stretch of the imagination .
14 Still twenty-four , and presenting himself to Louise Colet as a fellow of infinite whim , he claims that he has thought long and very seriously about the idea of becoming a bandit in Smyrna .
15 ‘ At the back of the neck , to the right of the fourth cervical vertebra ; the bullet passed through the trapezius of that side , grazed the body of the fourth vertebra and proceeded transversely and slightly upwards to the zygoma .
16 Mrs Gray looked away and then up at the portrait on the mantel shelf .
17 Industry was geared up , under Lend Lease , to produce the armaments that would defeat Hitler , and also pull the country finally and forever out of the stagnation that had crippled it for a decade .
18 One anxious mother , Jane Brooks , said : ‘ As people drive through and then out of the centre of Holybourne they seem to forget that speed restrictions still apply .
19 Thus the Soviet Union has retained its interest in meeting Latin America 's energy needs , for the USSR 's world-class technology and expertise in the field of hydro-electric engineering enable it to compete easily and indeed advantageously with the West in this respect .
20 In the media generally and even sometimes by the " expert " — or pseudo-expert — who should know better , it is suggested that sexual intercourse should , to be satisfactory , always be multi-orgasmic , always be desired by both partners , always be infinitely skilful and mutually considerate and always be earth-shaking .
21 Glancing up at her uneasily and then back to the document in front of him he read that Nora Elizabeth Fanshawe , by profession a teacher , had been born in London in 1945 , had black hair , brown eyes and was five feet nine inches tall with no distinguishing marks .
22 Her heart sank as she contemplated how , as usual , she would walk up , bleat out ‘ excuse me ’ and then be forced to wait , powerless , while they peeled themselves slowly and insolently away from the door .
23 Even the Druids emerged slowly and rather unexcitingly in the late third century B.C. in Sotion , the historian of Greek philosophy ( Diog .
24 I prodded the inert soldier , but he seemed pretty dead so I got to my feet and moved slowly and quietly away from the noise and excitement .
25 So it was when the Germans over-ran Holland in 1940 and within three days had rounded up large numbers of Jews — the Dutch population records which included religious affiliation were put to sinister use , promptly and efficiently even without the aid of modern technology .
26 Sexton quoted in Ranson ( 1990:115 ) argued that " it supposes that the wisdom of parents , separately and individually exercised , is more likely to achieve higher standards more quickly and more acceptably to the public than the collective wisdom of present bureaucrats , no matter how well-meaning those bureaucrats may be " .
27 This cost factor alone has brought the power of a computer for storing , retrieving and processing information quickly and very efficiently to the wealth of small businesses and professions who previously could not even have considered computerisation .
28 I walked quickly and quietly up to the hut , and looked inside .
29 For answer , he fired the engine and drove her quickly and silently back to the cottage .
30 Are they , are they have they , are they stupid , have they gone totally mad and they 're obstructing this thing for ever and ever and ever just for the sake of obstructing and you have t to listen to what they say on on this , the argument that we 're having here and have had here and the argument that we 've had about old people 's homes , they 've been two running sores in this authority and hopefully today in both of them we 'll be making progress and I think I 'd like to .
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