Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb mod] not [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 A warrior will plant his spear outside one of the small huts to indicate that he is inside and should not be disturbed , but I ca n't imagine Claudia , chic Parisienne , et cetera , allowing her relationship to be semaphored in this way from outside her own hut .
2 Dragonflies have two pairs of wings which have simple joints to them : they can only move up and down and can not be folded back .
3 The effects of the inversion decreases southeastwards and can not be seen at all in the south of Quadrant 53 .
4 They can not do so and should not be asked to try .
5 The application forms shown in the pack are specimen forms only and should not be used .
6 Four of the 128 patients studied were excluded because H pylori was identified in histological specimens only and could not be confirmed by culture or CLO test .
7 First , the models are one-dimensional only and can not be applied to a real solid .
8 These are for illustrative purposes only and can not be guaranteed by Midland Life .
9 Here thoughts about Lucy and about gems are active together and can not be given a satisfactory literal translation describing exactly the degree of similarity between Lucy and a gem .
10 NEIL RUDDOCK leads out Spurs at champions Leeds tonight and will not be fined after being sent-off against Crystal Palace on Saturday .
11 Whether the proposed scheme will deliver the net benefit claimed in terms of the quality and quantity of teacher supply has been the subject of extensive comment elsewhere and will not be repeated here .
12 In his meeting with Anand on Sept. 22 , Chinese Premier Li Peng said that relations between the two countries were very good and had not and would not be affected by domestic changes in the two countries .
13 The information system is the major link between adviser and client , without which a bureau could not and would not be allowed to continue to serve the public .
14 er and therefore for that very reason do not like to see the Government going in for a whole series of embarrassing defeats er and erm getting into very grave difficulties with an important Bill and I therefore arise only to ask my Noble Friend er at the last minute would like to consider very seriously erm a conciliatory reply of whether accepting er the amendments with er or er or some of them er with er er er view to their reconsideration or asking those who propose them to defer them from to from today 's sitting , there 's still further sittings ahead , but whether he was prepared to ask them to give him a chance to reflect without incurring serious Government defeats to reflect further on whether further amendments can not and should not be made .
15 As with all professions , medical and pharmacological competence can not and should not be taken for granted , as evidenced by the frequency with which new drugs are introduced and then withdrawn from the market after proving to be harmful , even fatal in continued use .
16 The second was that force could not and should not be used to maintain Communist authority in Eastern Europe .
17 In any discussion it will soon become apparent that there is a considerable degree of overlap and intercorrellation which can not and should not be avoided .
18 Seeing the primal figure is dangerous ; tribesmen avoid the sight of their chief , and God can not and must not be seen by mortals .
19 The importance of this can not and must not be underestimated .
20 It can not and must not be confined to the school and to the classroom .
21 The second lesson is that the property market can not and must not be allowed to dictate the form , pace and content of urban change .
22 As McKerrow put it : " much of what we strive to find out was not and could not be known to those of the period which we study , for it was veiled from them by the life of everyday . "
23 These can not and will not be liquidated in a short transition to a " green " chemical industry .
24 With the United States removed , at least temporarily , from the reprocessing marketplace , the possibility of the 450 spent fuel elements coming to Scotland should not and can not be dismissed .
25 Both parties have invited this court to proceed on the basis that the validity of the appointment is not and can not be disputed or decided on this application .
26 The Kingdom is not and can not be relegated to an appendix which follows the turning of the last page of world history .
27 This is something for which surveys , including that of Greeley and Rossi , are not and can not be intended .
28 Task analysis has not and can not be reduced to a set of standardised procedures which the aspiring analyst could acquire in a formal training course .
29 For Fanon this means that , despite Europe 's crimes , which will not and can not be forgotten , the Third World 's ‘ new history of Man ’ must ‘ have regard to the sometimes prodigious theses which Europe has put forward ’ since ‘ all the elements of a solution to the great problems of humanity have , at different times , existed in European thought ’ ( Wretched of the Earth , 253 — 4 ) .
30 However , while the images on our retinas form part of the cause of what we see , another very important part of the cause is constituted by the inner state of our minds or brains , which will clearly depend on our cultural upbringing , our knowledge , our expectations , etc. and will not be determined solely by the physical properties of our eyes and the scene observed .
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