Example sentences of "[adv] and [adv] [verb] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I still make necklaces from strips of knitting with beads or marbles sewn in at intervals and they are still very popular , whether ‘ wooly ’ for sweaters or lurexed for evening wear ; but |I have recently been trying very simple macramé to knot several strips decoratively together and maybe add a few beads or jewels and the results can be quite spectacular .
2 We talked with our students about the freedoms of college life , and suggested that they might judge whether or not certain behaviour was ‘ age appropriate ’ by looking at the nursery nurses ( incorrectly and naïvely assuming the latter would unfailingly provide the models we sought ! ) .
3 ‘ I should n't think so , Jack , ’ she replied briskly , ‘ but I 'd like the doctor to check you over and maybe do a few tests . ’
4 If you are still unsure , walk on and then do the same again .
5 We 'd get scared half the way through and back off and just stick a few ship pictures round the walls .
6 from this then I think that in fact the they would be more and more involved the more sort of radical they 're going
7 But when he was n't fighting shadows , he 'd just spend the morning dozing on his mattress while I paced back and forth and sometimes did a few push-ups and other exercises .
8 Behind the shingle formation Romney Marsh gradually grew up and completely filled the former bay .
9 Father Poole listened , now and then muttering a few words of encouragement whenever the voice faltered .
10 Is there any chance you could run a page or so every now and then to explain a few of the terms that crop up in the reviews ?
11 Similarly , just as when expectations of inflation were zero actual inflation of 5 per cent might sufficiently fool workers to generate an unemployment rate of 3 per cent , now , if expectations of inflation are 5 per cent , actual inflation would need to be 10 per cent to fool them by the same amount as before and hence generate the same unemployment rate of 3 per cent .
12 Dashes of the dark emerald colour , called night green , No. 155 , and a lighter apple green No. 170 , were then placed here and there to represent the few remaining leaves .
13 I ca n't stress enough how we would love to get a hundred percent response for the parties from all our branches , so get the balloons and the collecting bins out please and please make the most of the idea .
14 In the US election , commentators are bemoaning the lack of international issues , but they are still markedly more present than here : President George Bush and Bill Clinton are arguing over how and when to help the former Soviet states , Clinton is proposing to allow Japan and Germany on to the Security Council of the UN , all candidates have a figure for American troop presence in Europe , ranging from Bush 's 150,000 to Jerry Brown 's 1,000 , with a European force of 1,000 stationed in the US .
15 My approach to computers then and now remains the same .
16 Robyn closed her eyes again and determinedly sang a few bars of the latest hit record .
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