Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Instead he chose to hunker down and play back-room political games .
2 My training programme is reduced to hopping up and downstairs and out-sprinting other be-sticked people in the high street .
3 The new law stated that any Pole aged 35 or over and enjoying full electoral rights could run for the presidency ; the signatures of at least 100,000 electors would be required to secure nomination as a candidate .
4 The man called Randall smiled coolly and picked imaginary foreign bodies off the galloon braiding of his immaculate dark green coat .
5 It 's an opportunity for the company to become efficient at the same time , to have new life injected into it , to bring on and develop talented younger people who might otherwise become stifled and consequently up and go .
6 Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis both grow slowly and require complicated rich media , including substances of unknown or uncertain chemical composition .
7 That was before my time , of course , but he obviously passed on some of his skills because during , or just after , very wet weather , Sam would go off somewhere and catch lovely brown trout , which he often gave to people who were ill ; and sometimes when he had a sheep to kill , he would send down the head which would make a really tasty and nourishing broth .
8 Until this happens people will always feel the threat of a ‘ 10/6 ’ dictator popping up somewhere and causing great global conflict damaging the fragile , but nevertheless improving balance of world power .
9 ‘ By the way , Piper , the patrol that relieved us this morning , one of their number had his leg blown off and has other serious injuries . ’
10 We created works of art that could not even be imagined by lesser races ; we pushed our bodies even further and devised whole new theories and systems to improve our way of life .
11 With the opening of the East German border in November 1989 the flow of refugees from East Germany ( Übersiedler ) increased still further and created serious social problems [ for easing of travel restrictions over the border between Hungary and Austria see pp. 36894-95 ; 37170 ] .
12 Another was for portfolios of firms to be owned not by a pension fund but by a specialist financial or management group : Kohlberg , Kravis , Roberts or Hanson , which buy , break up and set strict financial controls for what remains ; Clayton & Dubilier or Forstmann Little , which exert direct supervision over managers ; Berkshire Hathaway , which is a more remote but patient investor .
13 In anticipation of that release , an alpha-level independent software vendor programme will be up and running sometime next year , with technology that 'll allow ISVs to generate ANDF versions of their applications for evaluation .
14 And he read this this P R and he said this is from a junior minister , Conservative minister in nineteen eighty four wro wrote these words in a book and he says that up and coming Conservative young minister was none other than
15 We will set up and fund new regional development and local enterprise agencies .
16 At the same time as setting up and equipping new residential projects , the CMHTs also played a major role in preparing and supporting residents through , for example : assessing and training individuals with a mental handicap ; enabling parents ‘ to let go ’ ; and either directly providing or facilitating continuing support for residents .
17 The French police tend to interpret these conditions liberally and exercise wide investigatory powers without countervailing checks such as legal representation for suspects and contemporaneous recording of interviews .
18 So they got in on the scene and I seen young men that was walking the streets that had nowt to do put a football kit on with G M B written across the front turn out and become super human beings , you never seen nowt like it , they were so pleased to associate with like something like that .
19 You do n't show it but like she do n't go out and buy new posh clothes and everything .
20 TOUR operator Airtours has set up a hit-squad of inspectors to seek out and axe shoddy Continental hotels .
21 For example , a report in the International Herald Tribune of July 17 claimed that the rebels had recently made the most significant gains in the whole of the 11-year civil war and that government forces were being forced to fall back and defend large urban centres .
22 Exactly , that 's what I 'm doing , I 'm doing it that way , I 'm doing the basics , which will get the marks and I 'm doing , going back and adding extra little sods when I 've finished it oh God
23 Although Port-au-Prince was under fire from the oldest and most primitive of artillery pieces , which were so ill-preserved as to be as dangerous to their operators as to their targets , the effect was still terrifying to the populace , who were unused to the banshee wail that echoed overhead and preceded bone-crushing explosive impacts .
24 And that morning 's takings had trebled and brought her new custom , for he had always seen to it that he was shod well and had good small clothes and shirts .
25 Stir well and add sufficient red wine to cover the meat .
26 The two countries are at opposite sides of the argument on political union , yet Mr Major and Chancellor Helmut Kohl get on well and share similar centre-right views .
27 Remember that , with a very large carnosaur , even a strolling gait would enable it to cover a lot of ground fast and catch fleeing small paramammals without in the least needing to gallop .
28 She looks at me sometimes and gives sad little sighs , bewildered smiles , as though she really is n't quite sure where I come from .
29 ‘ Our aim is to go there and make sure United stay at the bottom of the Premier League .
30 This was one of the changes initially seen under the Republic : the capture of Jamaica in 1655 opened up a new road which encouraged rulers in the second half of the century to go forward and force other European powers to give up their lands on almost the whole of the North American coastline .
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