Example sentences of "[adv] i [vb base] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I consider how successfully I have melted into the background recently .
2 People add a little on and eventually I have signed for a club and sold my house .
3 Come on your potty 's in here darling , come on you 'll trip over if you try and walk too far like that , come on I 've got to no come on .
4 Put the driver on I want to talk to the driver .
5 Suddenly I start puking into the road , but nothing comes up except this slimy stuff .
6 Perhaps I 've , perhaps I 've , perhaps I 've mixed in a very sheltered society .
7 So I 've thought of a solution .
8 So I let go of the pendant , gathered myself , and looked around .
9 So I think turning to the er suggested resolutions , they 're four main issues with and firstly that we are dissatisfied er with the method and needs consultation .
10 So I have to prise off the foe unassisted , which , believe me , takes some doing .
11 So I do feel for the chump who , late for a smart dinner party , dashes into the local off-licence and forks out £50 for a bottle of Mouton Rothschild 1988 .
12 So I do apologise for the confusion .
13 Long I have lingered by the banks of the Ness , looking on the town clinging to and rising above its banks ; often have I gone to the castle hill to trace the windings of the stream , which was ever smiling back or reflecting the sadder tones of the sky , and to gaze on the distant land of mountain and plain ; and I have also spent many hours in rapt admiration of the sylvan pictures that render the walk through the islands on the Ness a walk of walks : it yielded a joy as deep as that I received from the walks on Goat Island , within hearing and seeing of the rapid-flowing waters of Niagara .
14 I tell you another thing that amazes me , how any one with a Sovereign right , were a Sovereign in those days , could have given up the palace of Westminster which is so beautiful , palace , together I suppose reigned after the Duke of is it ?
15 Meanwhile I 've walked into the Ops Room to find the Ops Officer with his feet on his desk eating Smarties , thinking about an Op order he is due to write .
16 Just I 've run to the toilet .
17 Tonight I want to get into the crowd and Lucker wants space .
18 Erm twenty or thirty years later Kinsey was studying human sexuality and saying things like I 've stuck on the handout so erm y'know in some ways perhaps Kinsey 's attitude to these things er changed .
19 The authors he found most helpful in this ‘ interim ’ period were all mystics , or figures who emphasized spirit over matter — MacDonald , William Ralph Inge , Jacob Boehme , whose quasi-theosophical , semi-astrological De Signatura Rerum ( The Signatures of Things ) gave him ‘ about the biggest shaking up I 've got from a book , since I first read Phantastes ’ .
20 I thank you Chair , I mean , clearly I have to ask for a little bit of license on this one , in that I have to comment on things outside of my own district , erm but you will not be surprised to hear , given my evidence earlier that the City Council 's view is quite clearly that there is sufficient land with , on the edge of York , the main urban area , which could accommodate this type of level of development and obviate the need for a new settlement in the structure plan period , I accept , however , of course that that is dependant upon the definition of the inner boundary of the greenbelt , if the City Council 's view on that is er acceptable then Inspector , I believe there will be sufficient sites to obviate the the need for a new settlement , clearly if the Inspector takes a tighter view on the greenbelt , then there will be little land opportunity within the main urban area for this .
21 Unfortunately , unlike its predecessor it has no score system ( I always like to know how far I 've got in a game ) , but I presume this is due to memory restrictions .
22 So far I have written of the individual in relation to his , or her , environment of other people and have pointed to object relationships as the key connections between the inner world of the individual and his outer world .
23 So far I have concentrated on the sort of things you ask me .
24 I ca n't believe how far I have come in the past couple of years .
25 Now I 've extracted from the nomination form , some things , but I do n't know whether you 've seen them .
26 Now I 've written on the pencil case .
27 Now I 've dwelt for a moment on my own experience because I think it epitomizes that of the Labour Party as a whole from to John , the G M B has been a tower of strength always there to assist not only with money and resources , but also with advice and support and on behalf of my parliamentary colleagues , I want to thank the union for all it is , it has done for the Labour Party .
28 Now I 've got through the first round , it 's taken the pressure off me a bit .
29 Well I 've run into a spot of bother .
30 Well I 've heard of a tip whether it works or not I do n't know so we 'll try it and see that 's all
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