Example sentences of "[adv] it be [adv] important that " in BNC.

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1 The British population of some 52,000 is 65 per cent of the world population and so it is very important that these numbers are protected .
2 tragic that 's a good word to start from it 's the first thing they 're gon na look at after the headline so it 's pretty important that that the first word , I think looting was an excellent choice here .
3 So it 's really important that we do n't irritate our skin .
4 So it 's very important that you do
5 So it 's very important that you avoid magistrates court .
6 and so it 's very important that you give the bearing correctly .
7 So it 's very important that if we do n't get erm visitors coming into the country from overseas that we perhaps erm help the industry , the industry helps itself indeed by giving and providing holidays for people from this country .
8 erm there 's so it 's quite important that we should erm make our best strong erm representation to of our views erm of how we see , erm our message of the main organization , and I think that was erm
9 So these people are important to you , so it 's vitally important that you do n't let them down , because initially this business has a strange effect on you in as much as it seems to take over your mind , does n't it ?
10 Thus it is critically important that an antiviral agent does not become incorporated into the host 's nucleic acids , or those works too could be jammed , with devastating consequences .
11 Hence it is vitally important that the recruitment of elites into parties or primary races should be competitive and open .
12 On the question of registration of electors , clearly it is very important that if we now have less than nine weeks from this evening for those possibly four hundred thousand people to seek registration then the it is essential that the minister and the department er engage in a serious advertising campaign to ensure that people can exercise the rights that are due to them and I would like the minister perhaps in his later remarks , to expand on what , if any , measure the government intends to take to publicise the fact of E C voting rights to those four hundred thousand or so er European citizens of voting age resident in this country .
13 Now it is very important that you write good short answer questions , because you think they 're
14 If you are thinking about having a test for HIV then it is extremely important that you follow these guidelines :
15 Also , emotionally it is very important that we do not carry resentment towards each other .
16 Difficult not to take the weather personally and on this day , when it is so important that the sun shines , I think of Camus 's return to Tipasa , ‘ walking through the lonely and rain-soaked countryside ’ , trying to find that strength ‘ which helps me to accept what exists once I have recognized that I can not change it ’ .
17 That 's why it 's so important that Spain chooses the right , by which I mean Republican , government to lead it . ’
18 That 's why it 's so important that she has efficient help . ’
19 Consideration of the diversity of difficulties that face attempted suicide patients , and the range of both the degree of suicidal intent and risk of repetition associated with their behaviour , should have demonstrated why it is most important that the facilities available for management of these patients must be flexible and allow a variety of options .
20 And why it is so important that you respond to this appeal today .
21 That 's why it is so important that we do n't give up for an instant .
22 This is why it is so important that we practise confrontation .
23 This is why it is so important that one 's initial analysis of the strengths of the company be done in a very clear-minded and thorough way .
24 That is why it is so important that you learn from me all that you can . ’
25 That is why it is so important that , as one of the conclusions of the Maastricht settlement , it was agreed that the 12 countries should set up an organisation loosely known as Europol whose first job would be to set up a Europeanwide drugs intelligence unit among the Twelve , which should lead to a greater level of co-operation with our continental partners to stop Ecstasy and other drugs coming into the country .
26 That is why it is so important that we provide challenging and interesting roles to make those senior people keen to remain .
27 1 ) Give a short explanation on why it is so important that all class members should join the Medau Society ; —
28 Explain why it is so important that everyone who benefits from Medau work should demonstrate their support through membership .
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