Example sentences of "[adv] it be [verb] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 Gerstner told the IBM Corp meeting in Tampa , Florida that he does not intend to ‘ lay out a grand scheme ’ for the company : ‘ There has been a lot of speculation , ’ Reuter reports him saying , ‘ that I am going to unveil some great plan , ’ Gerstner said ; ‘ You will see actions , and our actions will speak for themselves , ’ but added that some actions will not emerge until 1994 ; he described it as not entirely accurate to describe IBM 's strategy as ‘ splitting it up into a bunch of little pieces , ’ and added that the dividend may change based on IBM 's performance and outlook ; ‘ We ca n't expect quick fixes , ’ Gerstner told more than 3,000 shareholders at the meeting , ‘ But I do dare to ask your patience , ’ he said ; his top priority is to get IBM 's layoffs completed and ‘ rightsize ’ the company — ‘ I want to get it behind us so we can say to those remaining , ‘ You are are our team , ’ ’ he said ; he acknowledged several times that IBM 's bureaucracy had hampered the company , and elsewhere it was reported that he has ordered managers to dispense with the customary slides and flip charts when they address him — ‘ IBM has changed but some would say not fast enough , ’ but ‘ We can bring IBM back , ’ Gerstner said .
2 Later it was suggested that he had received help from dissident Englishmen who preferred Border ruffians of like mind to their own unpopular Warden ; but nobody could deny the rescuer the sobriquet bestowed on him in the ballad — ‘ The Bold Buccleuch ’ .
3 They exchanged photographs before they met , but when I first saw him he looked years older and much fatter than in his photo and now it 's emerged that he 's 48 and divorced .
4 Eventually it was announced that he would not run — not in 1990 , at least — and the fuss subsided , but Desert Orchid was clearly more than a national favourite .
5 In the event that the Director is required to provide his services in excess of five days after 22 December 1989 , then it is agreed that he shall be reimbursed at the rate of £200 per diem .
6 Then it was gone and he answered mildly : ‘ On the machair .
7 She looked up then and saw a flicker of doubt in his dark eyes and then it was gone and he shrugged .
8 Then it was gone and he was saying , ‘ I thought you might sleep in this morning .
9 NORTHERN Ireland captain Alan McDonald breathed a sigh of relief today when it was revealed that he will not be ruled out of next week 's World Cup match against Latvia in Riga .
10 He was a brave goalkeeper and every Palace fan rued the day when it was announced that he would have to give up his career .
11 You may wonder why it is reported that He seemed to resent them , which may suggest that he was unable to express his own resentment , which may limit your range of potential interpretations of the expression He .
12 And shortly afterwards it was announced that he had cancelled his ‘ patronage ’ of the ceremony .
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