Example sentences of "[adv] to [det] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The inconvenience these excavations caused was second only to that created by the dust storms .
2 Damage to the cervical spine from rheumatoid arthritis has been noted in 30% to 46% of necropsy studies and is second in frequency only to that seen in the metatarsophalangeal joints .
3 Only to those sedated by the past .
4 The amnesty applied not only to those arrested after the rebel invasion earlier in the month , but also to those accused of involvement in a coup attempt in October 1991 [ see p. 38519 ] , including former Interior Minister and Vice-President Maldoun Bada Abbas .
5 The invention can be dated with fair assurance , since some of the earliest-looking examples , by a painter who may well be the inventor , show stylisations extremely close to those found on the friezes of the Siphnian Treasury at Delphi , carved little before 525 .
6 Even if a will does not give property to trustees , the property , whether real or personal , does not go directly to those for whose benefit it is given , nor does property passing on intestacy go directly to those entitled under the rules above stated .
7 This applies also to those waiting for the death of someone close .
8 Membership entitles you to free admission to all the Trust 's properties open to the public in England , Wales and Northern Ireland , and also to those owned by the National Trust for Scotland .
9 The hydrocarbon ratios for the Tertiary coals behave similarly to those determined for the Palaeozoic coals ( Fig. 9 ) .
10 This applies to obligations both to those trading with the firm ( creditors , bankers and so on ) and to those within it ( partners and staff ) .
11 To obtain a measure of potential performance , Buzzell and Chussil selected ‘ look-alike ’ businesses from the PIMS data base , split them between ‘ winners ’ and ‘ losers ’ , and then assumed that the potential performance of each business in the study was mapped by a gradual increase from its initial ROI up to that achieved by the ‘ winners ’ by the end of the period .
12 It is now up to those charged with the duty of investigating alleged crimes to do so .
13 He affects a certain disinterest in theory , preferring extremely precise experiments that will pick up whatever is going on to those designed with a particular new discovery in mind .
14 Auditory , visual , and tactile processes can be used for the transmission of information in the form of signals , as a simple type of communication , but the communication processes discussed here will be limited to those used in the idea transfer process , and more particularly to those used in the growth and development of scientific knowledge .
15 Though Rivers gave some slight encouragement to Eliot in suggesting that even in our own society , religious changes have unforeseen and far-reaching effects parallel to those caused by the abolition of head-hunting in Melanesia , Eliot 's linking of ‘ cannibal isle ’ and that ‘ slick place ’ London goes directly against the main thrust of the book which stresses ‘ the almost immeasurable difference between Melanesian and European cultures , and the sharpness of the line which still divides them where they come in contact ’ .
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