Example sentences of "[adv] have been [det] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This may imply that in cremating areas the vessels were made a certain size for the specific function of containing the ashes , whereas in areas practising inhumation there may not have been such specialised production , the vessels being drawn from the domestic stock .
2 His unhappiness should not have been any great surprise , as St John 's was known as a high Anglican school , elitist and exclusive .
3 There can not have been any English fans who had expected their team to win the series , but the manner in which they were just being steam-rollered seemly scarcely credible .
4 Yet might there not have been some confused episode , something which , when Irina was much younger , had distressed her , appalled them both , something which neither of them in their childishness — for here Ludens saw Marcus as a child — had really understood ?
5 In fact it might well have been that such developments generally attracted more labour than could be fully employed , which departed once the enterprise was terminated , leaving behind a sleepy farming community not unlike the fifteen undeveloped villages of Babergh hundred ( Table 2.18 ) .
6 Whilst I stand to be corrected , it may well have been this greasy property which made the finish dry out with a khaki tone .
7 But then , hell , he should know — there ca n't have been many other pop entertainers from the Cheshire market town to play here .
8 But then , hell , he should know — there ca n't have been many other pop entertainers from the Cheshire market town to play here .
9 He was aware of a slow feeling of triumph , a sense of release as if he had just won some physical competition ; without the fear there would n't have been this strange sense of excitement and content .
10 If the plant had not closed , there would undoubtedly have been some older workers who would have retired prematurely in any case .
11 There 've been some big by Shrewsbury over the years , I 'll tell ya there 've been some big clubs here in the past years and it looks very much on the cards again tonight , they have got a massive job on their hands now Blackburn to come back into this .
12 In years gone by there had been some clever dogs in Baldersdale .
13 Since those cases were decided there have been many scientific advances and it would seem that chances of establishing whether or not there are causal relationships between the act alleged to be negligent and the damage alleged to have been suffered as a consequence are better now than formerly .
14 On previous ARCs there have been several female skippers , but this year there was only one : Terri Jupp , the small but formidable boss aboard International Venturer .
15 ‘ I do n't think there have been any new developments since yesterday morning , but I 'll run through them to keep you up to date . ’
16 ‘ We did originally conclude that the MiG 25 posed no real threat to our air defences , but it would appear there have been some new developments .
17 And though it is usually Consumer publications that are involved there have been some notable exceptions among even the more staid members of the trade press .
18 Whether this redirection has yet had much effect in the classroom is another matter entirely from my own observations there seems as yet to have been few major changes in practice .
19 With mum Carol 's heritage it could never have been any other way — her roots , after all , lay thousands of miles away in Wales , the Land of Song .
20 The far bigger prehistoric apes must have found it much harder and therefore have been much more terrestrial .
21 That 's a problem for the Continent , though — there never have been any European mink in the British Isles .
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