Example sentences of "[adv] have a [noun] at the " in BNC.

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1 The result of the two intelligence services , army intelligence , the Royal Ulster Constabulary 's Special Branch , and various odd freelancers all having a go at the same time was , not surprisingly , a total disaster .
2 After all , we did n't go along to have a look at the place . ’
3 So have a look at the ones you 've done here right .
4 And the president already has a seat at the future high table , the European Council .
5 Why not have a look at the Qbasic series starting this month to help make up your mind !
6 Y yes we 're just we 're just having a look at the the spellings at the moment trying to make some sense of them .
7 ’ He was infallible , kindly and not above having a go at the medicinal whisky .
8 Well what we 'll do is we 'll do , we 'll just have a pump at the side of the till .
9 Let's just have a look at the dressing . ’
10 Let's just have a look at the erm , let's do the who 've we got , Bill ?
11 Right , if you just want to come out of there and we 'll just have a look at the plot of the residuals , if you plot the residuals the test for serial correlation there well the test for serial correlation , right , and try and determine whether there 's a auto regressive structure to those parameters and I think Steve was talking to you about er auto regressions , so what the computer is doing essentially , it is getting the residuals from the model raised and it 's regressing them right on the residuals in the previous period , right , and it 's testing whether this parameter row , right , is significantly different from zero right , now if this is , if row is significantly different from zero , let's say it 's nought point six , that implies the residuals in T are not independent of the residuals in T minus one .
12 That 'll be , that 'll be alright , let's just have a look at the
13 It is n't a case of wanting them they 're such good knives you do n't get them at that price , too often right can we just have a look at the price of microwaves , while we 're here
14 Russ had also written a number of uncovered personal cheques himself , despite not having an account at the bank , and had ignored auditors ' advice to stop abusing his position at the bank .
15 They were great fiddlers of long ago it 's not so long ago that I mind there was five fiddlers in our kitchen in Dalvaine , just each coming with a just to have a night at the fiddle .
16 Thanking Donal for his kindness , and giving him a friendly hug , she dutifully took the road he indicated — and then Ellie , being Ellie , decided would n't it be nice just to have a peek at the Wicklow mountains ?
17 Of 169 patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy referred to the orthopaedic muscle clinic at the Royal Manchester Children 's Hospital , 117 already had a scoliosis at the time of referral ; three patients had a curve between 80° and 100° and eight patients had a curve in excess of 100° .
18 Just got ta fill in fill in this today 's the ooh that one there , I 'll let you just have a look at the Debs book and that Marks and Sparks .
19 No and just have a look at the computer I mean the printer that 's about half a metre long .
20 Do you have you ever had a go at the piano or that ?
21 ‘ Then we 're off to have a look at the Delos .
22 Yes , that meant we were earning less in real terms after taking inflation into account but at least we still had a job at the end of it .
23 They always had an argument at the end of their act .
24 Retired tennis champion Chris Evert also has a home at the Polo Club , where she spends most of the year .
25 Lynam lit the fuse by first questioning captain Lineker about the mood in the squad and then turning on Taylor , who now says : ‘ I end up having a go at the ‘ housewives ' choice ’ and it really was n't me .
26 Who would have thought that the terribly modern Carter would end up having a crack at the Christmas Number One with a song written in the 1950s and once covered by Elvis Presley ?
27 ‘ Gud Seive The Quinn , Gud Seive The Quinn ’ chant the lambchop Euro punx , much to the disgust of the band who can be heard narkily having a go at the audience and each other between the awful squawl of their live sound .
28 Cologne stalwarts include Aurel Scheibler , Daniel Buchholz ( who will also have a booth at the main fair ) , Esther Schipper , and of course , Nagel and Grünert .
29 Some sacks will also have an extension at the top of the main compartment made from lighter fabric which is known as a snow lock .
30 I also had a look at the fact that Toby might well be — or have been — the man I 'd been waiting for , though God knows I 'd never have recognized him in a million years if we had n't happened , entirely by accident , to stumble into each other 's arms .
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